- This systematic surface survey aimed to investigate settlement patterns in the rural hinterland of the fortified site at Roccagloriosa (4th century BC) in a region between the Mingardo and the Bussento river valleys, at the northern end of the Gulf of Policastro. The survey allowed reconstructing the development of the settlement organization from the Archaic period to the Late antiquity.
Project Dates
- 1985 - 1991
- No period data has been added yet
- 1100 BC
- 500 BC
- 600 AD
- Systematic and intensive coverage of c. 100 sq km by a team of five people walking in parallel lines at intervals from four to six meters apart, depending on surface visibility. The density and size of scatters of archaeological material were measured and nearby water sources recorded.
Other Comments
- Field directors: F. de Polignac (École française de Rome); H. Fracchia (University of Alberta); M. Gualtieri (University of Perugia) ............................................................................................................................. This record has been produced by the FASTI Online Survey team
- Examine diachronic changes in settlement patterns especially from the Iron age to the late Republican period, identify changes in population trends and land use strategies, and put the 4th century fortified site of Roccagloriosa into a regional context.
- Cassa per il Mezzogiorno; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Ottawa; Central Research Fund, University of Alberta
- Helena Fracchia
- Maurizio Gualtieri