- This survey project aimed to investigate settlement patterns in the hinterland of the central-place of Torre di Satriano site, with a particular focus on understanding its function in relation to the surrounding territory. The survey systematically covered approximately 20 square kilometres and allowed reconstructing the development of the settlement organization from the Middle Bronze Age to the Medieval period. Stratigraphic excavations were also carried out in the most promising spots identified during the survey.
Project Dates
- 2002 - 2005
- No period data has been added yet
- 2100 BC
- 1300 BC
- 1300 AD
- A systematic and intensive field survey was carried out in September-October of 2002, 2003 and 2005 by teams of five field-walkers spaced 10 meters apart. A territory of ca. 20 sq km was fully covered except those areas inaccessible or unsuitable for survey (e.g. ravines, null visibility). In total 85 archaeological sites were recorded corresponding to surface concentrations of archaeological material, which position was register on topographic maps (1: 5,000) and occasionally with the GPS. Material scatters were described using both “Site” and “Topographic unit” forms (cf. Ricci 1983, La documentazione scritta nella ricerca archeologica sul territorio: un nuovo sistema di schedatura. archeologia Medievale X, 495-506). The survey teams registered also off-site material, in total 145 archaeological evidences were identified. A visibility map was produced to statistically assess the effect of possible visibility biases on site discovery and artifact count.
Other Comments
- Project director: Massimo Osanna (Università degli Studi della Basilicata - Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia di Matera). Field directors: Marco Di Lieto, Barbara Serio, Marco Fabbri. ............................................................................................................................. This record has been produced by the FASTI Online Survey team
- Examine diachronic changes in settlement patterns especially from the Archaic period to the Late Antiquity, identify changes in population trends and land use strategies, and put the central place of Torre di Satriano into a regional context.
- Università degli Studi della Basilicata - Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia di Matera
- Massimo Osanna- Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici, Matera