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Archaeological Survey


    • "This project has as its objective the analysis of the character and evolution of the ancient settlement of Avara during the Mabataean, Roman, Byzantine, and it is hoped, the Umayyad periods." Oleson 1986 p. 253

    Project Dates

    • 1986 - 2004

    Survey Method

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    Research Focus

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    Other Comments

    • 1) What were the chronology, architectural character, and economic structures of the earliest settlement, and can the example of Hawara cast any light on the process of sedentarization that Nabataean society as a whole was going through in the first century B.C.? 2) What role did the water-supply system play in the location and design of the settlement? 3) When did the Roman occupation of the site begin, and how did Roman administration and influence affect the water-supply system, settlement design, structures, and the local culture? What role did the fort play as part of the eastern imperial frontier? 4) What was the chronology and what was the nature of the Christianization of Hawara, and how deeply did Christianity and Byzantine culture affect the local people? 5) What effect did the arrival of Islam have on the settlement and its inhabitants, and where did the Abbasid family build their historically attested qasr and mosque?

    Research Institution

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