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Archaeological Survey


    • A focus of the larger Black Sea Trade Project, the survey has been documenting settlement in the hinterland of Sinop port from the Middle Paleolithic period (50,000 B.P.) through Ottoman times.

    Project Dates

    • 1996 - 1999

    Survey Method

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    • opportunistic survey

    Other Comments

    • How did manufactured goods circulate around communities at local and regional levels? Are evidence of prestige goods and wealth concentrated in the port or distributed extensively reflecting local participation in extensive economic and social networks? What is the balance of subsistence-oriented economy to specialized production and exchange? To what extent do center(s) provide an effective conduit for goods produced in the hinterland to the greater world? How did the community(ies) on the Sinop promontory connect to the imagined community of Milesian colonies?

    Research Institution

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    • Director