- The HacImusalar Project Regional Survey was a diachronic, multidisciplinary intensive and extensive survey of the upland ElmalI Basin in the area of ancient Lycia. It was the first effort to locate, map, and analyze the history of settlement and development in the area as a whole. It was part of the HacImusalar Excavation Project.
Project Dates
- 1992 - 2005
- No period data has been added yet
- 75500 BC
- 60000 BC
- 1900 AD
- 2000 AD
- No ha sido introducido texto
Other Comments
- 1. To determine the diachronic human and environmental history of the ElmalI Basin; 2. To explore the settlement development of the local inhabitants as they interacted (and changed) with agents from the larger Mediterranean world; 3. To consider the Basin as a context for the excavations of the HacImusalar Mound (ancient Choma); 4. To explore the development of communications and fortifications networks throughout the basin.