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Archaeological Survey

  • Greece
  • Epirus
  • Nomós Prevézis
  • Preveza


  • This project employs intensive survey and geology in their interdisciplinary investigations to determine patterns of human activity and reconstruct the landscape they took place in. They discovered Lower Paleolithic sites which helped to develop models to explain changes in the Pleistocene landscape and resource exploitation in the Middle Paleolithic through Medieval times. Geophysical methods helped to identify any further study sites as they might have been in antiquity, and the methods proved to be very useful for regional research.

Project Dates

  • 1991 - 1995

Survey Method

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Other Comments

  • magnetometry, core drilling resistivity, conductivity, remote sensing of ocean floor deposits
  • What forms do the cultural remains of the earliest inhabitants of southern Epirus take, and how may we explain their distribution in the different periods of the Paleolithic? What resources were exploited by the early humans and hominids, and what was the environmental setting? What is the evidence for the shift from hunting/gathering groups to agricultural societies? Can that shift be related to changes in the landscape? What was the nature of the contacts between peoples of this region in later prehistoric times, especially in the Late Bronze Age, and groups on the shores of the Ionian Sea, in other parts of Greece, and more generally in the eastern Mediterranean? Do these contacts differ in quality during fully historical times? How are colonial activities of Southern Greeks manifested in this region? What were the effects of the development of political leagues and interregional alliances on settlement patterns, sizes of sites, religious centers, and resource exploitation in Classical and Hellenistic times? What were the effects of the historically documented Roman intrusion into Epirus and how may they be identified in the landscape? How intrusive into local society were the Romans, and what activities are indicated by the cultural remains? What was the regional effect of the synoecism involved in the founding of Nikopolis by Octavian? How are the new patterns of settlement and communication related to changes in the landscape itself? What was the nature of the exploitation of the countryside in the Late Antique Period? What was the economic basis of southern Epirus in late antiquity and in medieval times? When did the extensive exploitation of wetlands along the Ambracian Gulf begin, and when the deliberate reclamation of land from coastal lagoons?

Research Institution

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  • Director