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- EXPLORATIONS IN THE SOUTHERN PRECINCTS OF ST. FORTY MARTYRS CHURCH (Konstantin Totev –, Evgeni Dermendzhiev, Plamen Karailiev) A mediaeval stratum was explored in Sector South. The southern surrounding wall of the church precincts w... Read More
- EXPLORATIONS IN VELIKO TARNOVO (Konstantin Totev –, Evgeni Dermendzhiev, Plamen Karailiev) The church explored was situated to the south of St. Forty Martyrs Church. Its nave was constructed over a pavement of stones and fragmentary... Read More
- TARNOVO (Konstantin Totev –, Evgeni Dermendzhiev, Plamen Karailiev) The site was situated to the south of St. Forty Martyrs Church. Part of a Mediaeval midden pit was explored, containing sherds, including sgraffito, animal bones, f... Read More
- TARNOVO (Konstantin Totev –, Evgeni Dermendzhiev, Plamen Karailiev) Twenty-four graves of the 16th – 17th centuries were explored, two of them secondary burials and one child burial. Almost all graves contained nails and timber boar... Read More
- TARNOVO (Konstantin Totev –, Evgeni Dermendzhiev, Plamen Karailiev) The site was situated at 60 m to the south of St. Forty Martyrs Church. A place for sitting mortar was discovered, used for the building of the Early Byzantine fort... Read More
- TARNOVO (Konstantin Totev –, Evgeni Dermendzhiev, Plamen Karailiev) An area of 70 sq. m was explored to the south of the Mediaeval church that was transformed into baths during the Ottoman period. Layers containing mixed Thracian, E... Read More
- TARNOVO (Konstantin Totev –, Evgeni Dermendzhiev, Plamen Karailiev) The explorations continued to he south of the Mediaeval church that was transformed into a bath at the end of the 14th century after Tarnovo was conquered by the Ot... Read More
- TARNOVO (Konstantin Totev –, Evgeni Dermendzhiev, Plamen Karailiev) The explorations continued to he south of the Mediaeval church that was transformed into baths during the Ottoman period and to the east of the western fortificatio... Read More
- TARNOVO (Konstantin Totev –, Plamen Karailiev, Evgeni Dermendzhiev) The explorations continued to the south of the Mediaeval church that was transformed into a bath during the Ottoman period and to the east of the western fortificat... Read More
- TARNOVO (Konstantin Totev –, Plamen Karailiev, Evgeni Dermendzhiev) The explorations continued to the south of the St. 40 Martyrs Church, to the south of the church that was converted into baths and to the east of the western fortif... Read More
- TARNOVO (Konstantin Totev –, Evgeni Dermendzhiev, Plamen Karailiev) The excavations continued to the south of the Mediaeval church, transformed into baths during the Ottoman period, and to the east of the western wall of the Early B... Read More
- TARNOVO (Konstantin Totev –, Plamen Karailiev) The church was situated in the southern outer precincts of the Great Laurel Monastery with the Holy Forty Martyrs Church. It was built of uneven stones bonded with mortar, with incorpor... Read More
- 0 AD
- 400 AD
- 700 AD
- 1200 AD
- 1700 AD