  • Campo La Noce
  • Anguillara Sabazia


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    • No period data has been added yet


    • 300 BC - 100 BC
    • 1 AD - 100 AD


      • In Novembre 2005 during an archaeological inspection prior to the construction of a residential building at Campo della Noce, a rectangular structure in opus quadratum came to light at a depth of 0.70m. The structure, 28x6.5m in dimension on an E-W alignment, seems to comprise a long central courtyard with rooms along the NE side. A rescue excavation was undertaken with the aim of determining the size and function of the building, including several trenches which aimed to clarify the nature of the archaeological remains and, in consequence, make appropriate adjustments to the original building project. The area under examination is situated beside the via Anguillarese, NE of the slopes of the Martignano and Baccano craters. This area, about 30km from Rome, sits between two ancient roads: the Cassia to the NE and the Clodia to the SE. It is characterized by low tufa relief and wide, open spaces and, despite the considerable alterations caused by modern buildings, still presents the typical conformation of the Campagna Romana. The ancient remains (covering an area of circa 2000sq.m) are situated on a small hill formed by horizontal layers of tufa resting on a vertical layer of basalt. The building appears to be a farm of the republican and early imperial period. (Federico Di Matteo)


      • Federico Di Matteo. 2005. Anguillara Sabazia (Roma) - località “Campo la Noce”. Una fattoria nell’ager Veientanus. FOLD&R Italy: 49.


      • T.W. Potter, 1979, The Changing Landscape of South Etruria, London.
      • P. Hemphill, 1975, The Cassia–Clodia Survey, in Papers of the British School at Rome LXIII: 246-249, fig. 10 (siti nn. 149-150).