During work on a project to provide easier mobility for the disabled in an area next to Piazza Campello at Spoleto, archaeological investigations were undertaken in order to evaluate the presence of ancient stratigraphy. The excavation revealed a complex stratigraphic sequence with a chronology running from the Roman to post-medieval periods. The earliest identifiable traces of occupation comprised the remains of a round building, with two concentric walls in opus vittatum and an entrance to the north. Material recovered during the construction work on the site and from the occupation levels of this structure (which include a coin of Lucius Verus and a small bronze plaque with a public inscription) seem to date the building to the second half of the 2nd century A.D. Following a phase of post-abandonment frequentation, characterized by systematic robbing, the building was definitively obliterated by a substantial foundation of stone chippings and cobbles sometime between the end of the 4th century A.D and the 5th century A.D. In the medieval period a new building programme took place which involved the partial removal of the preceding structure and the construction of a rectangular room of which remain a part of the beaten mortar floor and the two walls forming the south eastern corner. Their inner faces presented a series of square niches capped by slabs forming a triangle and smaller niches housing ceramic vessels (probably used as lamps) set into mortar. Around the 14th century this room was covered by a deep deposit of debris which from floor level reached the tops of the walls. The final phase of occupation on the site can be dated to between the 16th and 17th centuries when a new residential structure, formed by a rectangular room, was built up against the earlier one. (Liliana Costamagna)