  • Forti
  • Chiusi
  • Clevsi/Clusium


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    • No period data has been added yet


    • 400 BC - 1 BC


      • This paper presents the preliminary results of the first geophysical campaign carried out in 2023 at Chiusi (central Italy, Siena), one of the most important Etruscan city-states of the Northern internal Etruria. The research was conducted in collaboration between the Municipality of Chiusi, the Soprintendenza ABAP-SI and Radaring company. The modern urban area of Chiusi conserves a large stratigraphical palimpsest, with a continuity of occupation from the Bronze age toward Etruscan, Roman and Middle age period. This geophysical campaign aimed to explore some key-site of the historical city-center, in order to better understand the urban layout of the ancient city to elaborate a new archaeological map. The geophysical anomalies identified have been interpreted integrating archaeological and archival data and, in few cases, tested by targeted archaeological excavations.


      • Mattia Bischeri - Ada Salvi - Lorenzo Lambiase . 2024. Tra vecchi rinvenimenti, indagini geofisiche e archeologia preventiva. Nuovi dati dal centro storico di Chiusi (SI). FOLD&R Italy: 594.


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