  • Cittanova
  • Modena, località Cittanova
  • Italy
  • Emilia-Romagna
  • Province of Modena
  • Modena


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 100 AD - 400 AD


    • The excavations identified a building complex formed by a series of rooms arranged around a large courtyard area. The rooms along the north side and part of the rooms on the south side of the complex were uncovered. A kiln was present to the north-east of the site, which measured c. 3.00x4.00 m, and was aligned E-W with the mouth facing east. The surviving remains comprised the baked clay perimeter and internal walls of vitrified clay that must have supported the vented firing floor, characterised by a central arch for the fire flue. The bottom of the kiln was identified at a depth of 1.30 m. There was a large pit at the front (c. 6.00 x 6.00 m) relating to the ramp leading to the _praefurnium_. Traces of a portico with a row of six quadrangular pillars were found on the south side facing onto the courtyard. In the large courtyard area, c. 60 m long, there were three brick-lined wells (at present only partially excavated), two drainage channels with bricks forming a pitched covering, and an unpaved rectangular vat (4.00 x 6.00 m). Although the structures and the greater part of the stratigraphy were not well-preserved, in the southern sector, nearest the Via Emilia, there was a group of rooms, of which three, being partly sunken into the ground, preserved most of their floors and parts of the walls (Fig. 3). Two of these rooms were adjacent and presented _suspensurae_ and a _praefurnium_. Two occupation phases were identified; in fact, in the western room the heating system was demolished and the floor level was raised by a dump of gravel, brick/tile and _opus_ _signinum_.


    • Federica Riso - Cinzia Cavallari - Cristina Palazzini. 2024. La campagna archeologica 2020-2022 in località Cittanova di Modena . FOLD&R Italy: 578.


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