- No period data has been added yet
- 1 AD - 599 AD
- In 2021, the Catholic university of Milan, in collaboration with the Cavellas Museum and local administration of Casazza, reopened excavations on the site of the Roman village of Casazza (BG), discovered in 1992, partially investigated and opened to the public from 2015 onwards. The _vicus_ is situated in the middle of the Valle Cavallina, crossed by a road linking _Bergomum_ with the Alpine passes to the north. The site, covering over 1000 m2, was partially investigated with _sondages_, which revealed a vast rural settlement, constituted by structures built of calcareous stone and cobblestones. The material culture attests occupation from the 1st to 5th century A.D., the various phases interspersed with fires and flooding from nearby torrents, which led to the abandonment of the village.
- Federica Matteoni . 2024. Scavi nell’abitato di epoca romana a Casazza (Bg): risultati preliminari della campagna 2021-2022. FOLD&R Italy: 569.
- BIANCHI A., FORTUNATI M., LA PLACA G., MACARIO F., ROSSI S., RUDELLI A., SUARDI M., VITALI M., 1995, Casazza. Vicende millenario tra Cherio e Drione, Casazza
- FORTUNATI M., VITALI M., 2023, Casazza in età romana: un torrente, una strada, un villaggio, in ALBERTARIO M., CRISTINA L. (a cura di), Strade e percorsi tra Alto Sebino, Val Cavallina, Val Borlezza e Valle Camonica dalla Preistoria al Medioevo, Quingentole (MN), pp. 155-161
- FORTUNATI ZUCCALA M., VITALI M., 1996, L’insediamento romano di Casazza in Val Cavallina (Bergamo), in Atti del XIII Convegno archeologico benacense (Cavriana 1993), Gussago, pp. 91-135
- FORTUNATI M., 2007, Archeologia del territorio in età romana, in Storia Economica e Sociale di Bergamo, II, Cenate Sotto (BG), pp. 559-645