  • St. George Church
  • Svezhen


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    • 1780 AD - 1877 AD


      • ST. GEORGE CHURCH IN THE VILLAGE OF SVEZHEN (Martin Hristov – martohristov@yahoo.com, Philip Petrunov) St. George Church was burned down in August 1877. During the excavations, the apse, the altar, the area in front of the altar and the walls of the church were discovered. The walls were 1.10 – 1.30 m wide, built in rubble masonry. The floor was paved with rectangular stone slabs arranged over a layer of mortar. The church probably had three naves and was 24.40 m long and 13.50 m wide. Roof-tiles, nails and pieces of bronze and lead melted from the fire were discovered. The earliest finds dated to 1800 – 1825. The church was probably built at the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th century. A cemetery existed around the church.


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