_Insula_ VII,14 was first discovered in 1820 and, from 1838 was the subject of investigations that included the exploration of the shops/workshops. Here, taking advantage of the holes in the flooring, caused by the Bourbon excavations, Genova University has investigated below the levels relating to the city’s last phases, reaching a stratigraphy covering a period between the late 3rd century B.C. and 79 A.D.
Between the late 3rd and the 2nd century B.C., while the inner part of the _insula_ saw the construction of an atrium house, the area that would constitute the front facing onto Via dell’Abbondanza was still at least partially open. In this period, in the space later to be occupied by the shop at street number 3, where the investigations reached the greatest depth, there was an open area, perhaps a market garden, garden or courtyard. In this zone, perhaps in rapid succession, a series of structures were built, probably latrines. By the end of the 2nd century B.C., the latrines were abandoned and some deliberately sealed. A small rubbish heap formed on the area, which remained in use until the early 1st century A.D. In this period, there was a first reorganisation of the spaces. perhaps determined by the expansion of the built-up area. This transformation was also attested by the construction of _opus_ _incertum_ walls, which gradually defined the structural layout of the _insula_. During the third quarter of the 1st century A.D., the area suffered damage caused by an unexpected event, perhaps an earthquake, followed by a small fire. The 19th century excavations removed most of the traces relating to the latest occupation phases of the shops/workshops. These spaces certainly underwent important restorations and, in 79 A.D., all still had at least one upper floor.
During the 2017 campaign, excavation continued in some areas investigated last year (shops/workshops accessible at street numbers. 1, 3, 4) and new excavations were opened inside the accessible rooms at street numbers 7 and 8. In the area of the shop/workshop accessible at street number 1, room 1.2 was investigated where the remains of the stratification relating to its final occupation phases, badly damaged by the 19th century excavations, were identified and excavated. In the area of the shop/workshop accessible from street number 3 (room 3.1) the investigation continued of the remains of a series of timber and mud-brick structures, probably interpretable as latrines, which were built in rapid succession between the late 3rd and the 2nd centuries B.C.
These structures seemed to be situated in an open area belonging to the large atrium _domus_ present in the northern part of the _insula_. In the rooms accessible from street number 4, the archaeological cleaning of the surface stratigraphy led to the identification, in the room facing onto the road, of the remains of a timber staircase, which provided access to the upper floor. The presence of the stairs in the final phase of the city’s life, already legible in the negative traces preserved in the eastern perimeter wall of room 4.1, seems confirmed by the charcoal remains recovered during the excavations, which were found in association with a good number of large carpentry nails. In the room immediately behind (room 4.2), the remains of a masonry-built latrine were identified. The contexts investigated in this area (rooms 4.1 and 4.2) both seem to date to within the final phase of the city’s occupation.
During the 2018 campaign, research continued in the shops/workshops accessible from street numbers 1 and 2 and 8. Inside the shop/workshop at street number 1 (room 1.2) the excavations exposed patches of stratigraphy datable to between the late 1st century B.C. and 79 A.D. It attested the area’s radical transformation of use, which also involved a clear rise in the floor levels. This operation was undertaken through the accumulation of several substantial layers of earth and building rubble. The materials found within this context are being studied at present. In the area of shop/workshop at street number 2, the excavation continued in room 2.1, uncovering traces of structures in light materials, probably relating to the final occupation phases of the shop/workshop. At the same time work continued inside room 2.3 inside which a small masonry-built latrine had been installed in 79 A.D. Via a terracotta tube still preserved in the north wall of room 2.3, the sump for this structure was connected to a second latrine, which must have been situated on the upper floor. The investigations inside the shop/workshop accessible from street number 8, were concentrated in the entrance (room 8.1) and revealed parts of several walls. The latter probably constitute evidence of the layout of the shop/workshop in the period preceding the series of earthquakes that struck the city during the 60s A.D.
During this campaign, excavations continued in the workshops/shops accessible from rooms 1 and 3 and the preliminary cleaning continued of the stratigraphy preserved in the workshops/shops accessible from street numbers 10 and 11. The remains of a production installation were identified in the area accessible from street number 1, which date to a period preceding the construction of the workshops/shops. The structures, most of which still covered, will be investigated in 2020. In the rooms accessible from street number 3, work continued in the room facing onto via dell’Abbondanza (northern part of room 3.1), resulting in a more precise definition of the chronology and changes in use of a series of artificial cavities and structures built of mud brick and timber, which are currently being studied. The investigation in this area was then suspended for safety reasons and the preliminary cleaning of the stratigraphy preserved in the adjacent room 3.2 took place. Most of the original floor was preserved in the northern part of the room, constituted by an _opus_ _signinum_ surface overlying a make-up of building rubble containing abundant wall plaster fragments. In the southern part of the room, there was a large cut in the floor, probably made during the 19th century excavations and later, more recently, deepened for the positioning of electricity cables. Below the modern fill in these cuts were the remains of walls and several patches of stratigraphy, which will be investigated during coming campaigns. The modern fill was also removed from the area of a small room 3.3 in which the original floor was almost completely preserved.
Silvia Pallecchi-Università degli Studi di Genova. 2018. Pompei: indagini archeologiche nelle botteghe della regio VII
Campagna 2016: (VII, 14, 1-3)
. FOLD&R Italy: 417.
Pallecchi Silvia - Università degli Studi di Genova , Santoro Elena - Università degli Studi di Genova. 2019. Pompei: indagini archeologiche nelle botteghe della Regio VII
Campagne 2017-2018 (VII, 14, 1-7)
. FOLD&R Italy: 456.