  • El-Maalga
  • Carthage - Tunis


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    • No period data has been added yet


    • 300 BC - 100 AD


      • Excavation of a “monument à goodets” in the region of the Maalga in Carthage : After the clearance of the superficial layer about 0.50 cm thick and the first archaeological layer thick about 0.20m, a tuff soil was discovered in which was built a well built with jars, about 3 m deep, and coarse holes surrounding the well opening. The jars are elongated and open into the inner wall. They are 0.50m long and their diameters vary between 0.17m and 0.22m. They are linked together by the clay. The joints between the openings of the jars are brushed with a mortar containing lime, sand and ash. The same hydraulic mortar was used to coat the bottom and bottom of the well.


      • H. Ben Romdhane, B. Maraoui-Telmini et Kh. Dhifi, « Une structure circulaire à godets dans la région de la Maalga à Carthage », dans Africa, 24,2017, pp. 93-111