This season, a 10 x 20 m trench was opened in the previously unexcavated area of Ghiacciaia where an intensive survey was undertaken by Venice Ca’Foscari University between 2012 and 2015. The area is situated in the northern part of the Roman city of _Altinum_, just east of the monumental centre, where the forum, basilica, theatre, and odeon stand. The excavations uncovered structures and rooms relating to the urban residential quarter, unfortunately heavily cut by the ploughing that took place here until the 1970s when the State acquired the Ghiacciaia in order to protect and enhance the buried archaeological structures. At least three rooms belonging to a _domus_ were uncovered, divided by walls of which only the foundations remained, as they had been robbed out in the late antique period. The patchy remains of a cement-mortar floor make up were found in only one of the rooms. One of the foundations, characterised by the presence of squared stone blocks, seemed to represent the east wall of the _domus_. It was adjacent to the large robbing trench of a _cloaca_, of which a single brick-built structural section was found, formed by the floor and side parapets, while it must have been covered by the large trachyte stone blocks, found in secondary deposition in the trench fill. East of the _cloaca_, into which a smaller perpendicular sewer must have run, there was another room, of which only a small patch of _opus_ _caementicium_ floor with a geometric motif of white and black tesserae survived. This room probably belonged to another _domus_ and appeared to be closed to the west and south by two walls, also robbed. The excavated structures can be given a preliminary date of between the 1st century B.C. and the early 1st century A.D.
During the 2017 campaign, a trench was opened (25 x 20 m) in the area of Ghiacciaia where between 2012 and 2015 Venice University carried out an intensive survey and a first trench was dug in 2016. The area is situated in the northern part of the ancient settlement of _Altinum_, just east of the monumental centre of the Roman city, where the forum, basilica, theatre, and _odeon_ stood. The excavation explored the structures and rooms in the residential quarter, already uncovered in 2016. Several rooms emerged that seemed to belong to at least two _domus_, separated by a narrow road paved with large blocks of trachyte, which probably covered a _cloaca_. This structure had been robbed, apart from a small section where the brick floor and a lateral parapet made of stone blocks. At least two different chronological phases were identified for the _domus_ situated east of the _cloaca_. The phases were documented by two overlying floors in one of the rooms: a patch of _opus_ _caementicium_ with a geometric motif in white and black tesserae was covered by a new floor surface attested by a level of fine gravel mixed with cement mortar on a make-up of stone chippings. At least two other rooms belonged to this _domus_, in one of which the floor make-up of cement mortar was preserved. The floor surface itself was probably made of marble slabs of which the regular impressions are visible.
At least four rooms belonging to another _domus_ were identified west of the _cloaca_. In two rooms, the fragmentary remains of the cement mortar floor make-up were preserved.
All of the foundations had been robbed in the late antique period.
A preliminary date of between the 1st century B.C. and 1st century A.D. can be attributed to the structures.
The research in this part of the locality of Ghiacciaia began in 2020, with the aim of verifying the presence of a building with an apse visible in the aerial photographs. The campaign was successful and it was possible to confirm its presence, and to investigate the imposing concrete foundations, residual bricks, and the high-quality materials used to decorate floors and walls, such as coloured marble slabs and fragments of wall plaster with various decorations. During the 2021 campaign, the remaining part of the building, to the north-east, was brought to light, its total extension measuring 20 x 14,50 m. In 2022, the area of investigation was extended and the presence of three buildings and a street was verified. Furthermore, it was possible to outline four different stratigraphic phases, from the end of the 1st century B.C./beginning of the 1st cent. A.D. to the second half of the 5th century A.D./beginning of the 6th century A.D. Ultimately this campaign made it possible to shed some light on the dynamics of urban planning in this sector of the ancient city of Altinum, from the imperial period to late antiquity.
Eleonora Delpozzo,Jacopo Paiano, Luigi Sperti. 2024. Lo sviluppo di un quartiere residenziale dell’antica Altino (VE):
risultati preliminari dai recenti scavi dell’Università Ca’ Foscari
. FOLD&R Italy: 575.
S. Cipriano, L. Sperti, M. Tirelli (eds) c.s. Altino una città da scoprire: i materiali del survey 2012, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari