  • Catí Foradà
  • Petrer
  • Spain
  • Valencia
  • Alicante
  • Petrer


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  • 1700 BC - 1400 BC


    • The site of Catí Foradà, known since the beginning of the 20th century, was catalogued until the 1980s as Neolithic. However, the works carried out by M. J. Walker made it possible to identify a scarce but significant material culture: on a small stratum measuring 0.15m two undecorated shards and an earth-bag with chared barley seeds ( _Hordeum_ _vulgare_ L.) were found; carbon-14 analysis provided an absolute dating to 1550 ± 150 B.C. Chemical studies of the pottery indicated the presence of phlogopite and calcite inclusions, the former located in the Murcian area of Jumilla and Fortuna; this points to trading of degreasing agents for pottery. In the 1990s, F. J. Jover and G. Segura synthesised its chronology during the Middle Bronze Age upon observing the absence of significant materials from the Late Bronze Age. In 2010, at the request of climbing clubs from the area and to facilitate access to the N face of the rocky crest known as Foradà, the Provincial Council (Diputación) of Alicante charged F. E. Tendero with the archaeological monitoring of work aimed at paving the areas of the entrance with the greatest slope (150 linear m), stabilising the climbing platform by means of stone walls to contain the earth, and installing a wooden railing to delimit traffic. Archaeological supervision during the surface paving work enabled us to confirm the absence of immovable remains from the Bronze Age in the area of the stone walls. The process was graphically documented and material remains were collected from the surface. A scant cache of 8 small and highly rounded Bronze Age pottery shards were recovered that correspond to various small and medium sized pottery vessels and a practically whole vertical ribbon handle with flattened section. All of them were made by oxidant firing, with medium or large degreasing, and are undecorated. Their characteristics do not permit greater precision in their chronology.


    • Jover Maestre, F. J. y Segura Herrero, G. (1995): “El poblamiento antiguo en Petrer. De la Prehistoria a la romanidad tardía”. Ayuntamiento de Petrer-Caixa de Crèdit de Petrer- Universidad de Alicante.
    • Hernández Pérez, M.S. (1997): “Espacio y tiempo en la Edad del Bronce del País Valenciano”, Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie I. Prehistoria y Arqueología, 10, pp. 279-315.
    • Segura Herrero, G. y Jover Maestre, F.J. (1997): “El poblamiento prehistórico en el Valle de Elda (Alicante)”, Collecció l'Algoleja, 1. Centre d'Estudis Locals del Vinalopó, Petrer.