At Sala Baganza, in the locality of Chiesa Vecchia, work for the construction of a Dialysis Clinic to serve the towns (in the province of Parma) of Felino, Calestano, Collecchio and Sala itself, uncovered the remains of a limekiln. This was dated to the medieval period on the basis of the type of bricks found within it. The presence of the toponym suggests that this may be a structure connected to the preparations for the construction of the town’s “Chiesa Vecchia”, mentioned in the Papal Bull of Innocent II of the 11th November 1141 as “Capella de Sala” and in the Rationes Decimarum of 1299 as “Ecclesia Sanctii Stephani de Salla” and which remained in use until the 29th April 1684. (Manuela Catarsi)