  • Via Roma
  • Solaro


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    • 200 AD - 310 AD


      • Attention was brought to the presence of archaeological remains by private individuals who noted numerous deposits of earth containing pottery and tile fragments within the sections on a building site. Unfortunately, when the on site inspection was undertaken excavations had been completed and the foundations of the new buildings were being laid. Therefore, it was only possible to dig a limited number of trenches around the edge of the building site in an attempt to gather as much information as possible. Two of these structures were investigated and fragments of 3rd to 4th century A.D. pottery were recovered. The nature of the remains is not clear, however on the basis of their number and the fact that in the 1970s numerous surfaces areas were reported that showed fragments of late Roman pottery brought up by the plough, it is possible that these are the remains of a cremation cemetery that was sacked in antiquity. The robbing and obliteration of the tombs seems confirmed by the discovery of a stretch of cobblestone road, which is ancient but cannot be given a precise date, which covered the bottom of one of the two structures investigated. The road seems to have been built without taking into consideration this supposed burial the traces and memory of which must have disappeared. Moreover, a similar phenomenon of ancient robbing was also documented in the contemporary necropolis of Cornate d’Adda (MI). (Laura Simone Zopfi, Adriana Briotti)


      • Laura Simone Zopfi, Adriana Briotti. 2007. Resti del III-IV secolo a Solaro (MI). FOLD&R Italy: 79.


      • S. Bruno 1996, Le anfore, in F. Rossi (a cura di), Carta Archeologica della Lombardia. V. Brescia. La città, Modena: 199-205.
      • L. Simone Zopfi, 2005, Cornate d’Adda (MI), località Villa Paradiso, Cascina dei Frati e Cascina dei Preti. Cisterna e necropoli romane in NOTIZIARIO 2005. Soprintendenza Beni Archeologici della Lombardia: 159-172.
      • L. Simone Zopfi, 2006, Cisterna e necropoli romane a Cornate d’Adda (MI), in www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2006-62.pdf
      • L. Simone Zopfi, A. Briotti, 2005, Solaro (MI), via Roma. Resti di III-IV secolo, in NOTIZIARIO 2005. Soprintendenza Beni Archeologici della Lombardia: 197-202.