- No period data has been added yet
- 500 AD - 2010 AD
- In 2006 the excavation area was extended in order to find the downhill perimeter of the rooms which had emerged in the previous campaigns. This intervention exposed, as well as the south-western perimeter, new structures for which several occupation phases were identified, thus adding new information to the picture formed to date. Moreover, during the course of the 2009 excavations two trenches were dug inside two rooms that had been uncovered in previous years. In particular, the investigation inside room 4 revealed various layers of abandonment and collapse, as well as the floor level, reaching the levels underlying the occupation layers of the room itself. Excavations inside room 2 clarified the relationships between this structure and those next to it and identified al of its perimeter walls.
- The 2010 excavations clarified the occupation phases in a number of rooms (2 and 4 in particular) and the open areas outside of the rooms themselves. Each phase saw the abandonment and subsequent restructuring of the buildings and reorganisation of the spaces. The presence of layers pre-dating the earliest phase of these two rooms has yet to be checked and will be the object of the 2011 excavations. The numerous finds have provided interesting evidence regarding the activities undertaken in the settlement and useful data was collected for the detailed reconstruction of the building techniques used in the _castrum_.
- Nel corso della campagna di scavo 2011 si è proseguito lo scavo in profondità di alcune zone (Ambiente 7, area compresa fra le due strutture quadrangolari A e B, area aperta fra gli Ambienti 2 e 4) completandone la sequenza stratigrafica. La prosecuzione dello scavo dell’Ambiente 4, all’interno del quale è stata raggiunta la roccia di base, ha confermato l’ipotesi di una precedente frequentazione dell’area in epoca protostorica, ma soprattutto ha meglio chiarito la prima fase insediativa altomedievale, la cui conclusione è stata segnata da un vasto incendio in seguito al quale si sono verificate nuove edificazioni e, di conseguenza, un riassetto generale dell’area. La riapertura di un settore indagato nel 2003-2004 ha consentito di comparare i risultati emersi nelle ultime ricerche con i dati acquisiti negli anni passati: in attesa dello studio approfondito dei reperti sembra infatti di poter affermare che l’Ambiente 10 è in fase con gli Ambienti 2 e 4.
- The 2012 campaign saw the completion of the investigation in the areas left open from the previous year, that is, area q situated south of the southern perimeter wall of room 4 and the adjacent sector (area u), separated by wall US 1116. The bedrock was reached in both sectors and the stratigraphic sequence was checked. The excavated areas and rooms were then back-filled. A new excavation area was opened (6 x 5 m) on the northern part of the plateau, between the cistern and room 6, with the aim of further documenting the articulation of the cistern, of which only the eastern half had been excavated thus far. At the end of the campaign, the cistern’s walls had been exposed to an average height of 60 – 80 cm. They were faced with waterproof _opus signinum_ only traces of which were preserved. The walls were formed by two rather irregular external facings, built of local stones of medium to large dimensions, roughly squared, and bonded with abundant mortar. The core was made up of smaller, irregularly placed stones bonded with mortar.
- I. Nobile De Agostini, 1995-97, Laino (CO). Località Castello. Sondaggi in NOTIZIARIO, Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia: 134-135.
- I. Nobile De Agostini, 1999-2000, Laino (CO). Località Castello in NOTIZIARIO, Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia: 149-150.
- I. Nobile De Agostini, 2005, Laino (CO). Località Castello, in NOTIZIARIO 2005, Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia: 104-105.
- I. Nobile De Agostini, 2011, Tracce del passato: l’insediamento altomedievale di Laino, Como.