  • Foro Olitorio, presso la chiesa di S. Nicola in Carcere
  • Roma
  • Pietas, aedes


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    • 191 BC - 181 BC


      • Built by M. Acilius Glabrione in 181 B.C. after having been offered by his father ten years earlier during the battle of Thermopyli, the temple of the Pietas was in the Forum Olitorium, where the theatre of Marcellus now stands. It must have formed a single complex with the three temples situated near the church of S. Nicola in Carcere, which delimited the side of the forum which faced towards the river. The temple of the Pietas was demolished in 44 B.C. to make way for the theatre. The structures recently discovered on the eastern side of the latter probably belonged to the temple.


      • P. Ciancio Rossetto, 1999, s.v., Foro Olitorio, in Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae IV: 86.
      • P. Ciancio Rossetto, 1999, s.v., Foro Olitorio, in Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae V: 286.
      • F. Astolfi, 2009, Scheda A77: Foro Olitorio – Pietas, aedes, in V. Jolivet, C. Pavolini, M.A. Tomei, R. Volpe (a cura di), SUBURBIUM II. Il Suburbio di Roma dalla fine dell’età monarchica alla nascita del sistema delle ville (V-II sec. a.C.), Roma.