- No period data has been added yet
- 1600 BC - 700 AD
- The Department of Ancient History at the University of Pisa has a research programme centred on _Firmum Picenum_ and its territory. The problems relating to the development of the urban layout (acropolis, forum, walls, theatre, cuniculi, cisterns, fountains, areas with private structures etc,) and the study of the numerous buildings have been discussed in a specific monograph (Agostini et al. 1987). The territory belonging to _Firmum Picenum_, situated between the rivers Tenna and Aso, is currently being studied through a programme divided as follows: - palaeographic studies; - analysis of literary, archival and toponomastic sources; - field work (archaeological and topographical survey); - the morphological-archeometric study of the materials found. A campaign of aerial photography is being conducted in collaboration with F. Vermeulen of the University of Ghent, which has so far completed the study of the Tenna valley. The surveys focused on sectors with diverse geomorphological and environmental characteristics. The aim was to document the different ancient landscapes (coastal strip, hilly areas, valley bottoms) as thoroughly as possible. So far 780 ancient settlements have been identified. The diverse landscapes that are stratified within the territory, and the relative settlement systems, have been defined: prehistoric sites, situated on river terraces; Piceni villages densely scattered across the hills; large Roman villas built from the 1st century B.C. onwards; farms connected to the agricultural reorganisation of the late Republican/early imperial period. The research results on the ground are managed using GIS Archview 9. The results so far are published in a series of articles.
- Simonetta Menchelli, Maria Raffaella Ciuccarelli. 2009. I depositi di anfore lungo il litorale fermano: nuovi dati per la produzione ed il commercio del vino piceno. FOLD&R Italy: 132.
- Maria Raffaella Ciuccarelli. 2009. Forme della romanizzazione nel Piceno meridionale. Ceramiche fini e laterizi fra modelli coloniali e tradizione locale . FOLD&R Italy: 134.
- Simonetta Menchelli, Oriana Cerbone. 2012. Ceramiche fini nell'ager Firmanus (Fermo, Marche meridionali). FOLD&R Italy: 268.
- Simonetta Menchelli, Giulia Picchi. 2014. Distorsioni interpretative e concretezza epistemologica nello studio delle anfore romane: l’esempio dell’ager Firmanus (Marche meridionali, Italia) . FOLD&R Italy: 304.
- Simonetta Menchelli Eleonora Iacopini . 2016. Novana, its territory and the Pisa South Picenum Survey Project II . FOLD&R Italy: 353.
- S. Agostani, M.Pasquinucci, L. Polverini (a cura di), 1987, Firmum Picenum I, Pisa.
- M. Pasquinucci, S. Menchelli, 2002, Anfore picene e paesaggio agrario: alcune considerazioni a proposito dell’ ager Firmanus in Vivre, produire et échanger: reflets méditerranéens, Mélanges offerts à B. Liou, L.Rivet et M.Sciallano edd., Montagnac: 457-463.
- M. Pasquinucci, S. Menchelli, 2004, Landscape Archaeology in South Picenum. The Tenna, Ete and Aso River Valleys, in The Geoarchaeology of river Valleys, H. Dobrzańska - E. Jerem-T.Kalicki, Archaeolingua, Budapest: 28-48.
- M. Pasquinucci, S. Menchelli, 2004, Viabilità, popolamento rurale e sistemazioni agrarie nell’ager Firmanus, Atlante Tematico di Topografia antica 13.
- M. Pasquinucci, M.R. Ciuccarelli, E S. Menchelli, 2005, Culti delle acque e romanizzazione nel Piceno meridionale, in Atti Convegno Cults and Beliefs throughout Historical Periods, Pula 2004, in Histria Antiqua 13: 419-426.
- M. Pasquinucci, M.R. Ciuccarelli, S. Menchelli, 2005, The Pisa South Picenum Survey Project, in Papers in Italian Archaeology, VI, BAR, International Series, 1452 (II), Oxford: 1039-1044.
- M. Pasquinucci, S. Menchelli, M.R. Ciuccarelli, 2007, Il territorio fermano dalla Romanizzazione al III sec. a.C., in Il Piceno romano dal III sec. a.C. al III d.C., Studi Maceratesi 41: 513-546.
- S. Menchelli, M. Pasquinucci, C. Capelli, R. Cabella, M. Piazza, 2008, Anfore adriatiche nel Piceno meridionale, in Rei Cretariae Romanae Acta 40: 379-392.