  • Santuario Siriaco
  • Roma, Gianicolo
  • Italy
  • Lazio
  • Rome
  • Rome


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 100 BC - 400 AD


    • Between 31st May and 2nd June 2006 a geophysical survey was conducted at the Santuario Siriaco on the Janiculum in Rome. The work was conducted on behalf of Dr Fedora Fillipi (Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma), Dr Richard Miles (Trinity Hall, Cambridge), Dr Christophe Goddard (University of Rheims) and Dr Massimiliano Ghilardi (Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani). The results of the resistance tomography were relatively successful in locating some features of varying resistance that are associated with possible archaeological deposits to the north of the excavated area at Santuario Siriaco. No evidence was present that immediately suggests the location of walls or clear remains of structures in the area, but some broad conclusions can be formulated from the survey results. The maximum depth reached using the resistance tomography was approximately 4m, which places the results well above the level of structural remains excavated to the south. This limitation was mainly due to the restricted size of the survey area, which did not allow the Wenner array to be expanded sufficiently to reach a depth of 6m. The depth of the high resistance deposits in the western part of the site may suggest that archaeological deposits are situated at a higher level then to the south. It is also conceivable that the results represent the level of bedrock situated below an overburden of deposited soil, although the presence of low resistance readings below this ledge in the profiles means that this is unlikely, and the deposits may feasibly represent archaeological remains.


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