In October 2000 excavations were undertaken in the lower part of Teano in the Borgo Sant’Antonio revealing a dump of well preserved medieval pottery: glazed ware and archaic majolica. A quadrangular structure was then uncovered, delimited by walls in _opus caementicium_ faced with small tufa blocks. The external faces were plastered and the “a sacco” foundations were cut into the bedrock. The structure was datable to the 1st century B.C. The size of the area that came to light, the presence of patches of brick paving and of two thresholds along the west and north walls suggested that this was the courtyard or garden of a _domus_ of considerable size. Also of interest was the discovery of two drains in phase with the walls – one on a north-west/south-east alignment with a covering of grey tufa blocks, the other on an east/west alignment comprising a terracotta pipe housed in a channel with masonry parapets. A small channel was also found, running in a north/south direction along the eastern edge of the courtyard where a lead _fistula_ was also found.