  • Villa Paradiso
  • Cascina dei Frati, Cascina dei Preti
  • Italy
  • Lombardy
  • Monza Brianza
  • Cornate d'Adda


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 200 AD - 400 AD


    • In 1997 at Cornate d’Adda – ancient Coronate which Paolo Diacono (Paul the Deacon) indicated as the place where the battle between King Cunipert and the usurper Alagis was fought in 688 – several trenches were dug over a vast area of c. 20,00m2 where traces of ancient occupation existed in the locality of Villa Paradiso. In 1999 an excavation campaign investigated an area of 1,000m2 . This revealed modest remains of nine rooms belonging to a Roman villa, in use from the 1st century A.D. until the late Imperial period. The structures had also been damaged by agricultural practices. Several Lombard burials of the 7th century came to light on top of the leveling of the Roman structures that had fallen into disuse. Also present were post-holes and hearths of the same period. The entire area was placed under a restriction order. In February 2005 the construction of a new sewer brought to light the remaining walls of a large cistern and cremation burials dating from the 3rd to 4th century A.D. Although it is known that the change to inhumation burials in northern Italy occurred within the 3rd century, the continuation of cremation within the necropolis of Cornate d’Adda convalidates the evidence from contemporary burials in Milan (courtyard of the Università Cattolica), in the Varese and Lario areas and in other areas around Lake Garda. Here cremation remained in use until the beginning of the 4th century, although in a minor way. (Laura Simone Zopfi)


    • Laura Simone Zopfi. 2006. Cisterna e necropoli romane a Cornate d’Adda (MI). FOLD&R Italy: 62.


    • P. Lampugnani, Cornate d’Adda (MI), località Villa Paradiso. Interventi di scavo archeologico, in NOTIZIARIO 1999-2000, Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia: 181-185.
    • P. Lampugnani, 2004, Indagine preliminare. Gli scavi in L’eternità di Cornate d’Adda. Scavi archeologici dal 1995 al 2003, 1°, ed. MCG: 44-68.
    • L. Simone Zopfi, 2005, Cornate d’Adda (MI), località Villa Paradiso, Cascina dei Frati e Cascina dei Preti. Cisterna e necropoli romane, in NOTIZIARIO 2005, Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia: 159-172.