The archaeological site is located in the village Tătărăştii de Sus, Teleorman County, on the left bank of Teleorman River and on Piteşti - Alexandria highway. The ensemble is a boyar’s fortified residence from 18th century, composed by two unequal precincts, with a church within the smaller precinct, and an entrance tower placed in the middle of the west wall. The aim of the archaeological research project is to provide useful data for a restoration project made by S.C. Project S.A. The research had a prospective character, one that provides general information about stratigraphy and chronological relations between the elements of the ensemble. Therefore the church was the first element that collapse, then the north precinct wall. The research on the church foundation revealed that the buttress was built above churches string course, and the church foundation was plastered for better isolation. The research made in front of the church revealed a semicircular entrance, with semicircular steps. Inside the church was found the original walking level made of profiled bricks. In the bigger precinct was found a divisive wall and an exterior wall belonging to another building attached to the North of the precinct wall. The research had to limit to a small area because the precarious conservation of the monument and not to risk any damage of the specific elements of the ensemble. Due to the important signification of the cultural objective we sustain that the research must continue to clear relevant issues about this unique monument.