  • Aşezarea de la Sânnicolaul Mare - "Selişte"
  • Sânnicolau Mare
  • Romania
  • Timiș County
  • Oraş Sânnicolau Mare


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    • During the nine years of archaeological research conducted in the Selişte site at Sânnicolau Mare we uncovered the following dwelling complexes: 1. A mediaeval settlement (17th - 18th centuries), represented by: 13 dwellings, 15 food storage pits, a waste pit, and an exterior fire plane. 2. An early mediaeval settlement, represented by: 19 dwellings, 16 food storage pits, seven pits, two kilns and an exterior fire plane. 3. A dwelling dating to the end of the 1st Millennium A.D. (8th - 9th centuries). 4. Four dwellings, five food storage pits, five kilns, two tombs and three segments of the trench, which probably separated the dwellings, dating to the Post-Roman period. 5. A defense trench and two damaged cremation tombs (only the bottom of one of them was preserved) from the Bronze Age.


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