  • Pietratonda
  • Pietratonda


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      • Around 4 km. To the west of Paganico are visibile the substantial ruins of a Roman bath building that probably formed part of a very important villa. Up until recent times the area was exploited for the quarrying of silicacious sand, an activity that has gravely compromised the archaeological site. The excavations of 2004 brought to light two construction phases in the room at the northwest corner of the complex. The first phase, of the early empire, consisted of a rectangular room with a barrel vault. Later the plan of the room was modified with walls in _opus incertum_, which created a plunge lined with _opus signinum_. A second excavation on the south side revealed a structure supported on the exterior by buttresses in opus reticulatum. To the southwest the room has an apse. Further, a series of channels were revealed that brought water to a cistern slightly lower down. In the western sector is a large room, perhaps the _calidarium_, with a substantial central exedra and a pavement on suspensurae, only partially preserved.
      • In 2005 the latest phase in the eastern area of the site were excavated. This comprised fragments of opus signinum pavement and the remains of a system of channels which suggest the structure was used for some sort of production activity. The central square room was surrounded by a corridor and had an _opus spicatum_ pavement. In 2006 an underground room, used for operations regarding the heating system, was investigated below the calidarium.


      • Gabriella Barbieri. 2006. Le terme di Pietratonda presso Civitella Paganico (GR). FOLD&R Italy: 67.


      • V. Bartoloni, M. Merlo, S. ten Kortenaar, c.s., Indagini in località Colle del Vescovo, in Atti dell’Incontro di Studi L’Artemisio e il territorio veliterno nel quadro del Lazio antico. Conoscenza, valorizzazione, fruizione, Velletri, 19 febbraio 2002 (a cura di Luciana Drago Troccoli).
      • G. Barbieri, c.s., Aspetti del popolamento della media valle dell’Ombrone nell’antichità: indagini recenti nel territorio di Civitella Paganico, in Journal of Ancient Topography.