  • Zebbiegh (ZBH2006)
  • Mgarr, Malta


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    • 600 BC - 200 BC


      • The site lies approximately 40 metres south of St Anne\'s Church in Zebbiegh, and had been inspected following the approval of development permit PA 00098/06. The Superintendence had not been informed of this application. Initial inspection indicated the presence of a rock-cut feature filled with debris. Subsequent clearing and investigation has revealed an extensive cluster of significant features including a cave with man-made features, within which medieval ceramics were recovered, extensive quarrying with dimensioned stones still in situ (probably classical) and water management features including rock-cut channels and a large, irregular bell-shaped well. Excavation at the eastern end of the site has revealed surviving tracts of classical flooring, as well as extensive ash deposits including classical ceramics. Features identified include a pit full of ash deposit (probably a classical pottery kiln), associated \"post holes\" and structural features including brick embedded in cut bedrock, tracts of flooring, runs of masonry and a large worked block probably in situ. The limits of the investigation were defined by the limits of the property marked for development. Nevertheless, it is evident that features extend to the east of the property and possibly to the north.


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