New building work along Viale S. Avendrace has again given us the opportunity to explore the monumental Punic necropolis which lies along the slopes of the hill. In the highest part of the site, pit-graves are excavated in the limestone bedrock. Below this area, towards the modern road which retraces the line of the ancient road running from Caralibus to Turrim, the compact limestone gives way to large stretches of earth along a flat terrace. Here are found a few pit graves and a large number of inhumations, dating from the fifth century b.C. to the early Empire.
The area examined, of relatively modest size, has revealed a complex stratigraphy, with over 250 superimposed depositions, with evidence for rituals changing over time. The majority are simple burials cut into the earth, cutting each other and without a constant orientation. Tombs of the busta type are fewer, but still amply attested.
Compared to the results of previous excavations of the cemetery, this sector of the shows a far more intense use, with grave goods less varied and numerous, although amulets and pendants are present in the earliest phases. Modern intrusions are rare, considering that the area was used for kitchen gardens by the little houses along the road. After the destruction of these houses large amounts of fragmentary Roman finds found under their pavements suggest that tombs of the high empire were destroyed during the levelling operations for their construction. A long wall found on the periphery of the necropolis, underneath the modern road, seems to have been used for terracing, to counter the natural slippage of the earth.