The excavations of this season had three main objectives: to clean the Late Bronze Age structures of the sectors A3, A5 and A6; to extend the sondages in the sectors A7 and A9; the discovery of the other layer in order to reach the sterile layer. The excavation of the Late Bronze Age level of the settlement was also revealed in the trench A6, and continued toward east, in the half western part of the trench A4. In the trench A6 was cleaned the destruction layer of the level 5c, which date to the end of the Late Bronze Age. This layer was rich with wooden carbonized remains. In the North-western side of the trench was cleaned the layer 6, and were revealed 8 wooden timbers, which belong to the habitation level of the Late Bronze Age. On the western side of trench A4, was excavated the destroyed level 5c, revealing remains of a kiln and 3 wooden timbers. On the northern side of the trench was excavated the layer 6. The trenches A7 and A9, were cleaned and joined through a trench, A9b enabling in this way the further study of the layers 5, 6 and 7. In the layer 6, besides a number of timber holes were also discovered two kiln basements that represent two successive periods of time. Layer 7 is divided into two levels; the earlier represents different baking structures. In the Middle Bronze Age level, amidst the layer 7 and 8, a settlement was revealed. This layer was rich with archaeological material.
The excavation of this year was conditioned by the favourable dryness that covered the whole territory of the Balkans, reducing the water level in the site of Sovjan. Thus, the timber structures discovered in the trenches A7, A9, A9b and A10 were entirely cleaned and then, excavated up to the sterile level. This year aimed to clarify the situation created in the previous year, regarding the relations between two floor levels; the upper one represented in the trench A10, with the floor layer 892, and the lower level in the trench A7 with the floor layer 796. Another objective was to understand the layer 8, which was located between the upper mentioned floor layers and was rich with wooden material. An entire cleaning of the southern wall revealed in the deep sondage of the trench A9, revealed that in the layer found in between the upper mentioned floor layers (892, 796), there were at least three intermediate floor levels. The archaeological material is represented by pottery vessels, flint tools, etc.
During this season, the sondages A7, A9 and A10 (east-west), were extended about 2 m to the east. The sector A10b, measuring approximately, 5, 70 x 4, 00 m, joined the two last sondages A9, A10, toward the east. On the other side continued the excavation in the sector A9b, which is situated amidst the sectors A7 and A9. Two other sondages were undertaken in the channel, named respectively A11 and A12. The latter is located some metres further in the north, in the same line with A9. The extension of the excavations in sectors A10 and A10b, lead to the discovery of settlementstructures, in layer 6, which date to the late Bronze Age. This is interrupted in the layer 7 by a whole building, orientated NW-SE. Its floor is flat, with a thin burned layer and contains wooden carbonized fragments. The authors think that it represents a house, positioned partly under the ground level, a hypotheses which which awaits confirmation from the results of the excavations in the sector A10b. Under this structure were founded the remains of two other structures. They represent two different types of wall fragments that are also differently orientated, and belong to two successive periods of time. The archaeological material consists on pottery fragments, tools of stone, wooden and bone.
This archaeological season began by cleaning the channel, which due to seasonal rain was filled with water up to the level of 814.05m. The accumulated water enabled us to assemble and analyze the organic remains in the site. The main intentions of this season were: a) defining the sequences, plan and construction technique of the wooden structure revealed in the A7-A10 sectors, and also clarifying the relative chronology of the conserved remains inside them and in the so-named “The Channel House”; b) to finish the archaeological documentation of the previously excavated bronze age levels, and to verify their chronology. Therefore, two sondages were undertaken in the sectors A (south - west) and B (north-west). In the sector A an area of 4 m to the southern track was excavated, formed by the relation of the sectors A10, A10b, A9, A9b, and A7, hoping to find the southern wall of the “Channel House”, and also to define the length of this building. To this sondage was given the number A7b, which revealed a wooden structure of the Late Bronze Age. From it, only the half of the eastern side was excavated. An area of 2 x 2 m was excavated to the side of the channel in the sector B, half-way between sectors A10 and B2. The aim was to clean the lower layers, in order to define the chronology and have a complete view of its material culture. The excavation revealed interesting baking structures which date to the Middle and Late Bronze age. The archaeological material is represented by pottery objects, organic remains, millstones etc.
Vendbanimi i Sovjanit, u zbulua në vitin 1988 gjatë punimeve për hapjen e një kanali drenazhimi në skajet perëndimore të ish Kënetës së Maliqit. Prej vitit 1993, një mision Franko-Shqiptar ka ndërmarrë gërmime sistematike në këtë vendbanim. Gërmimet e përqëndruara në pjesën perëndimore të sitit kanë dhënë fakte historike të rëndësishme për të. Analizat e datimit absolut me anë të C14 kanë dëshmuar se niveli më i hershëm i banimit i takon Neolitit (7000 -3000 vjetë p.Kr.) dhe më i voni epokës së Hekurit (1100-700 p.Kr.), periudhë ku si rezultat i rritjes së nivelit të ujrave të liqenit, siti u braktis plotësisht.
Gërmimet kanë konfirmuar ekzistencën e gjurmëve të aktivitetit të metalurgjisë në vendbanim, që i përkasin shtresave të epokës së mesme dhe të vonë të Bronzit. Shtresa e Bronzit të mesëm dallohet nga një numër i madh strukturash druri të ruajtura mire e gjithashtu nga një material i pasur dhe i shumëllojshëm arkeologjik dhe mbetjesh bimore e shtazore. Përpos tyre, zbulime interesante janë një banesë e madhe absidale, me mure të ruajtura në lartësisnë e 0,5 m., e njohur ndryshe si “banesa e kanalit”, si dhe një strukturë 2 m. në veri të kësaj të fundit, e quajtur “banesa e peshkatarit”. Shtresat e epokës së Bronzit kanë dhënë qeramikë gri në të zezë si dhe vegla prej guri, kocke, balte dhe druri.
Gërmimet në Sovjan kanë siguruar të dhënat e para direkte mbi teknikat e ndërtimit të strukturave me dru, planimetrive të banesave, dhe organizimit hapësinor të vendbanimit të epokës së Bronzit në Ballkan.
Hulumtimet arkeologjike janë plotësuar dhe nga një program i studimit të materialit bimor dhe shtazor, që ka për qëllim zbulimin e marrëdhënieve të komuniteteve në pellgun e Korçës gjatë periudhës së Hollocenit. Ky studim edhe pse është ende në fazat fillestare, ka dhënë rezultate interesante për Sovjanin.
Në vitin 2006 u bën dy sondazhe të reja të cilat bashkuan dy sektorët e mëparshëm (A3 – A6 dhe A7b – A10) me një kanal rreth 10 x 2 m. Kuadratët e rinj morën numrat A13 dhe A14. Shtresat 1, 2, 3, ishin të varfra ndërsa në shtresën 4 u zbulua material qeramike. Në mesin e shtresës 5 u zbuluan tre horizonte të cilat nuk ishin të gjitha në të njëjtin nivel. Vetëm në sondazhin A14 u arrit deri në shtresën argjilore 6, tashmë e njohur dhe nga sondazhet A9 – A10b.
Strukturat e zbuluara këtë vit ishin tre tipe: struktura të ndërtuara me thupra dhe baltë të pjekur, funksioni i të cilave nuk mund të përcaktohet; furra dhe në fund u zbulua vazhdimi i strukturës me dysheme të brimuar e cila ishte zbuluar që në vitin 2003 në sektorin A7b. Materiali arkeologjik i këtij viti konsiston në fragmente qeramike me dekor me incizim, me pikturim mat, etj, si dhe objekte prej guri, te tilla si çekiç prej guri, një numër mokrrash dhe objekte prej kocke si një vul prej kocke, etj.
O. Lafe, 2005, Archaeology in Albania 2000-2004, in Archaeological reports for 2004-2005, Council of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenistic Studies and The Council of The British School at Athens: 119-137.
F.Prendi, P. Lera, G. Touchais, 2000, Sovjan (Albanie), in Bulletin de correspodance hellenique, V. 124, N. 2: 631-642
P. Lera, G. Touchais, 2001, Sovjan (Albanie), in Bulletin de correspodance hellenique, V. 125, N. 2: 716-730
P. Lera, G. Touchais, 2002, Sovjan (Albanie), in Bulletin de correspodance hellenique, V. 126, N. 2: 627-645
G. Touchais, P. Lera, 2003, Sovjan (Albanie)Rapport sur la campagne 2003, in
G. Touchais, P. Lera, 2006, Sovjan (Albanie)Rapport sur la campagne 2006, in
G. Touchais, P. Lera, 2005, Sovjan (Albanie) Rapport sur la campagne 2005, in
G. Touchais, P. Lera, 2007, Sovjan (Albanie) Rapport sur la campagne 2007, in