As a result of surveying along the planned route of the new pipeline in the town of Apatin, five archaeological sites were first registered and then excavated. The area surveyed along the pipeline is 14.5 km long and runs from east to west, from the village of Siđani to the northern outskirts of Apatin.
The site of Čičovi (site 2, х = 7587,440; y = 5063,160) is located south of the village of Čičovi along the channel that used to be a stream (Mostonga). The pipeline route cut the very edge of this site. Judging by the concentration of archaeological material found on the ground, the site spreads from the pipeline route, along the channel, further to the south. In a control trench, 220 m long and 1 m wide, a small number of pottery sherds was discovered dating to the late antique period, while one part of the trench was completely without finds. The sherds discovered belong mainly to gray polished tableware made on a fast potter’s wheel alongside many handmade pots.