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- During a one week season in 2015, the so-called comitium and eastern porticus of the Forum of Pompeii were geophysically surveyed using georadar. The survey of the porticus, parts of which have been excavated in the past, primarily served as a means to cri... Read More
- Nel periodo compreso tra il 22 agosto e il 09 settembre 2017 l’Università di Tübingen ha condotto una campagna di documentazione e scavo nel cd. Comitium di Pompei. In una prima fase di lavoro sul campo si è provveduto alla completa ripulitura della metà... Read More
- This was the second campaign of excavations undertaken by the Universities of Tübingen and Kiel on the so-called Comitium of Pompeii. The intervention is based on the promising results of a geophysical survey carried out in 2015 in the area of so-called ... Read More
- 1100 BC
- 500 BC
- 79 AD