FOLD&R: the Journal of Fasti On-Line
Type of articles
The FOLD&R Archaeological Survey Series – the Journal of FASTI Online Survey, welcomes articles that present archaeological data produced by large-scale, field-walking surveys, or on the reinterpretation and/or synchronization of older ‘legacy’ survey data. Submissions are typically data- and method-heavy, and also focus on the culture-historical implications of the dataset. This journal series does not accept (preliminary) reports, only scientific articles, but there is always the possibility to publish (preliminary) technical information and methodological descriptions of the project in the Record form instead; also long, detailed site catalogues and other primary data can be uploaded in the FASTI Online Survey portal through the Record form (for more information follow this link).
An important requirement for publication is that the project is explicit about the methods that have been employed for recording field survey data, i.e. distributions of archaeological finds at the surface, and consequently also about the level of detail or resolution applied by the research project.
Field methods may vary from extensive, systematic site-orientated field surveys to full coverage off-site surveys. For standard methods, survey coverage must be at least equal to or greater than 1 sq. km; for projects covering smaller areas yet applying innovative/highly intensive methods please contact the editors. The journal is not oriented towards projects that focus on mapping standing archaeological remains in the landscape without integration within a more comprehensive recording of surface distributions. Similarly, data acquired by other types of archaeological surveying (e.g. extensive geophysics, aerial/satellite photography and other remote sensing methods) can be accepted for publication, but only in as far as they form part of a larger landscape archaeological approach also including field walking survey datasets.
Submission procedure
Manuscripts for publication in FOLD&R Archaeological Survey can be sent via email to the editors Dr. Tesse D. Stek ( and Dr. Anita Casarotto ( Papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word format along with the completed Record form that can be downloaded following this link.
English, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese or German.
Cover page
All authors of a manuscript should include their full name and affiliation on the cover page of the manuscript along with the title of their paper. Authors’ affiliations are the affiliations where the research was conducted. The corresponding author also has to provide an email address that will be displayed in the published article pdf.
Please provide an English abstract (max. 200 words) at the beginning of your text. If your text is in another language, please provide also an abstract in that language (max. 200 words).
Text structure
Manuscripts should always include a section on the survey methodology. Ideally, manuscripts consist of at least five sections (with possible sub-sections) including an introduction, a section with the goal(s) and/or the research question(s) of the survey project, a section with the methodology, a section with the results, and a section with the conclusions/discussion. Since the main aim of the journal is to make survey data widely available and comparable (see also FASTI Online Survey), a requirement for publishing in this journal is that the data and metadata of your project should be made readily accessible for the readers. This includes detailed information about the survey methodology (e.g. extent of the surveyed area; the sampling strategy and sample size in sq. km or hectares, and the corresponding % coverage of the total research area; the survey intensity (e.g. field walker spacing and coverage percentage of the surface), visibility and geomorphological conditions affecting the survey sampling strategy and results, surface artefact density rate for site/scatter/UT identification, recording methods, material collection strategy etc.).
Manuscripts should be no longer than 8000 words, including abstract, images (max. 13) and captions, tables (no more than 4), notes and references. Please submit the manuscript in Times New Roman, font size 12 and single line spacing.
Citations should be inserted using footnotes, with an abbreviated format (Harvard) with the surname of the author in small capitals followed by the year of the publication and the pages: Cherry 2003: 137-150.
References (at the end of the text)
Only works cited in the text are to appear in the bibliography. Surname of author(s) in small capitals. The names of the journals should be cited in full.
Barker G., 1995, A Mediterranean valley: Landscape archaeology and Annales history in the Biferno valley, London and New York.
Cherry J.F., 2003, Archaeology beyond the site: regional survey and its future, in J.K. Papadopoulos & R.M. Leventhal (eds.), Theory and practice in Mediterranean archaeology: Old world and new world perspectives (UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Monograph Series), Los Angeles: 137-59.
Kintigh K., 2006, The promise and challenge of archaeological data integration, American Antiquity 71(3): 567-578.
Please place your images directly in the manuscript or at the end of it. Only after acceptance the images must be sent as separate digital files to the editors (in JPEG or TIFF format, at 300 dpi, submitted via email, WeTransfer or Google Drive link).
Peer-review and Acceptance
Papers are read and commented on by the editors who evaluate whether the paper is in line with the journal’s scope, policy and guidelines. The editors may ask the authors for adjustments or for missing information before sending the manuscript to two or more anonymous peer-reviewers. The reviewers are asked to address the scientific validity and presentation of the research. The decision for acceptance of an article will be taken after receiving the reviewers’ assessment and comments, and, if required, the authors’ reply to those. The editors decide whether to accept the paper without changes, ask for minor adjustments, for major adjustments, or for re-submission. Publication occurs after any agreed changes have been implemented.
Citing FOLD&Rs
The FOLD&R publication is licensed by AIAC under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) license. Please cite and attribute all authors accordingly. For permission to publish illustrations from the text please apply to the author directly.