  • Piazzale Ipponio
  • Roma, piazzale Ipponio


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    • 399 BC - 201 BC
    • 1 BC - 299 AD
    • 301 AD - 599 AD
    • 1701 AD - 1999 AD


      • Rescue excavations during the building of the Amba Aradam-Ipponio station of the line C underground in Rome began in 2015. The construction site lies at c. 15 m outside the Aurelian walls. The excavations, preceded by preliminary research (core sampling, archive work), revealed a stratigraphic sequence datable to between the mid-Republican period and the modern era making it possible to reconstruct the occupation and abandonment phases of a sector of the _suburbio_ that is largely unexplored. The excavations covered an area of c. 3,300 m2 to a depth of c. 30 m below the level of the road, down to sterile. The most interesting structure was a military complex of Trajanic date, completed during Hadrian’s reign, built on an area part of which had been levelled using building rubble deposited on the ground surface. The barracks of Trajanic-Hadrianic date – unknown from the ancient sources – comprised a building 80 m long for housing troops and two perpendicular structures: the so-called House of the Commander and the service wing. The military complex, the structures covering 1300 m2 – followed the original orography of the terrain, which sloped downwards to the north towards the _Aqua Crabra_, and was built on terraces, thus the soldiers’ quarters are at -9 m and the wings at -12 m).


      • Viviana Cardarelli - Flavia Failli - Ivana Montali - Simona Morretta . 2022. Roma, piazzale Ipponio, scavi della Metropolitana C per la stazione Amba Aradam-Ipponio: ceramiche fini, lucerne e anfore dalla dismissione di un condotto fognario dall’ex caserma adrianea. FOLD&R Italy: 541.
      • Viviana Cardarelli - Ivana Montali - Simona Morretta - Flavia Failli . 2023. Roma, piazzale Ipponio, scavi della Metropolitana linea C per la stazione Amba Aradam-Ipponio: ceramiche comuni da un condotto fognario dell’ex caserma adrianea . FOLD&R Italy: 553.


      • CARDARELLI V., COLETTI F., FAILLI F., GALLI M., MONTALI I., MORRETTA S., 2020, “Tra archeologia e archeometria. Analisi preliminare degli indicatori di attività tessile e conciaria dagli scavi della Metropolitana C per la stazione Amba Aradam (Roma)”, in Purpureae Vestes VII (Granada, Spain 2-4 October 2019) : 334-344
      • MORRETTA S., REA R., 2018, “Una nuova caserma alle pendici meridionali del Celio”, in A. D'ALESSIO, C. PANELLA, R. REA (a cura di), Roma Universalis. L'impero e la dinastia venuta dall'Africa, Catalogo della mostra (Roma, 15 novembre 2018 - 25 agosto 2019), Milano: 190-199
      • MORRETTA S., REA R., 2020, “Roma. Una caserma alle pendici del celio (II sec.): gli alloggi dei soldati, la domus del comandante, il giardino e l’edificio di servizio” in C. WOLFF, P. FAURE (a dura di), Corps du chef et gardes du corps dans l’armée romaine, Atti del VII Congrès de Lyon (Lyon, 25-27 ottobre 2018): 387-407.