  • Via Visconti
  • Somma Lombardo
  • Italy
  • Lombardy
  • Province of Varese
  • Somma Lombardo


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  • 1300 AD - 1500 AD


    • investigation prior to the construction of new housing. The investigation uncovered a productive structure, a cobblestone floor and a large cistern. In the southern zone of the area a building formed by two rooms (A and B) was revealed. On the floor in room B were numerous blacksmith’s nails, metal fragments, waste from metal working, charcoal from the forge and a few fragments of glazed pottery. There were four holes in the floor of room A containing pottery and metal fragments and metal working waste. Outside the structure another floor level came to light with the remains of walled structures with a square plan and three hearths. One hearth contained charcoal, slag and scraps from metal working. The structures were probably part of the footings which supported the building’s walls, structured in opera a graticcio; the roof was probably made of straw as there was a total absence of tiles on site. The finds suggest that this was a smith’s workshop. In the north eastern area the remains of a cobblestone floor were uncovered, bordered to the west by a cordon of small square stone blocks, fixed vertically into the ground. On the surface and in the immediate vicinity were a few fragments of glazed pottery datable to between the 14th and 15th centuries. It can be suggested that this was a small single track cobblestone road. A short distance away a cistern for water collection was identified. A square opening (70x70 cm) gave access to the round cistern (diam. 3-4 m, h. 4,50-5 m) with a semi-spherical dome; it was paved in mortar and faced in opus signinum. On the upper part of the wall were three entrances for water; there were no structures for its outflow which suggests that it was drawn from the top opening as if it were a well. (Cristiano Brandolini, Barbara Grassi)


    • C. Brandolini-B. Grassi, 2005, Somma Lombardo (Va), Via Visconti. Resti di strutture medievali, in NOTIZIARIO 2005, Soprintendenza Beni Archeologici della Lombardia: 246-249.