  • Myrmekion
  • misto Kerch, AR Krym


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    • 575 BC - 491 BC
    • 468 BC - 375 BC
    • 300 BC - 100 BC
    • 10 BC - 250 AD
    • 1201 AD - 1400 AD


      • The investigations were conducted at two sites «І» and «Т» in 2007. The total area of the occupation layer was 250 m². Site «І». The ruins of the so-called «Temple of Demeter» were located in the northern part of the excavation area. The layer inside the Late Archaic building of the was a dense yellow loam with a few gray intermediate layers. A pavement of large slabs was opened at 0.5 m depth. The walls of the Late Archaic building continued westward, forming a new building. Two cylindrical pits were found at the floor level; in one these was found a Lesbian red clay Amphora. Both pits belong to the first period of the building – the 6th – 5th centuries BC. During the investigation of the southern part of the area itfound that most of the area was covered with large slabs running westward. Under the slabs is a layer of greenish loam at 0.5-0.7 m depth that belongs to the ashmound 1; the layer covers all the ruins of the late archaic buildings on the site. Below it there was found the repeatedly repaired pavement made out of small stones runningsouthwards. A broken iron acinaces was foundat the floor level of the western building,the first Scythian sword found in the settlement. A pit of a quadrangular dugout was found in the eastern part of the northern site. It was located below the basement of the late archaic house. The dugout was 2.5 × 4.5 m in size and 1.05 m depth. According to the ceramic materials it can be dated by the third quarter of the 6th century BC. Site «Т». The total area of the excavated layer was about 175 m². The excavations showed that the ancient occupation layers here were damaged by major later interventions. A modern German wooden-earthen dugout of 3.1 × 2.5 m in size and 1.7 m deep was excavated in the western part, while a crater from a large projectile or bomb explosion (7 m in diameter, 1.8 m deep) in the central part of the excavation. A gray loam layer (1.2-1.3 m width) was found in the eastern part under the humus in those places where the soil was not damaged. In this horizon, various layers were found including layers of pure ash and charcoal – the remains of the Roman period ashmound. In this part there was also found an angle of the wall composed of the large massive stones. In the central part of the excavation there were found the remains of three walls of aquadrangular building approximately 3 × 3 m in size, the eastern part of which was destroyed by the bomb crater. Only small flat stones that served as a basement of the source walls were preserved. In addition, 17 pits on the site belonging to the Medieval Period were found. The amorphous pit located in the eastern area (2 × 3 m in size, 0.4 m deep) dates to the same period. Afragment of a cameo depicting the Emperor dated probably to the 2nd century AD, found in Late Medieval mixed layer, dates to the Roman period.


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