  • Timpone della Motta
  • Sibaritide


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    • 700 BC - 500 BC


      • In 2008 the Groningen Institute of Archaeology conducted archaeological excavations in the sanctuary on the Timpone della Motta, Francavilla Marittima in the near vicinity of ancient Sybaris. The excavations identified a new Archaic temple and extensive related votive deposits in the central part of the sanctuary, which shed more light on the ritual culture as well as the topographical layout of the sanctuary during its most important period- the 6th century BC. The investigations have revealed an altar situated on a stamped soil floor datable to the first half of the 6th century BC and a foundation trench for a wall. Numerous finds of bronze phialai as well as fragmented drinking and pouring vessels around the structure indicates that acts of libation in connection to fire offerings of meat and possible ritual dining took place in the building. The excavated contexts are notably relevant for the understanding of the 6th century BC phase in the sanctuary since contexts from this period so far have not been submitted to archeo-botanical and archeo-zoological analysis. The find of a second floor level of late 7th century BC date underneath the temple might suggest the presence of a previous temple building on the same place, the character of which, however, remains unknown. In respect to the topographical development of the sanctuary the identification of the new temple in the central part of the acropolis illustrates that an already known reconstruction of temples in the western part of the sanctuary during the late 7th and early part of the 6th century BC was accompanied by an architectural expansion towards the eastern premises of the sanctuary. Further excavations conducted in 2008 revealed a temenos wall of mid 7th century BC date and debris from a subsequent collapse or demolition of the wall, which took place towards the middle of the 6th century BC.
      • In 2009 the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (GIA) conducted archaeological excavations in the sanctuary on the Timpone della Motta in Francavilla Marittima as well as in a nearby supposed Kerameikos area (nominated Area Rovitti). At the Macchiabate necropolis excavations were conducted in collaboration with the Archäologisches Seminar of the University of Basel. The excavations are part of a three-year field program aimed at investigating new contextual aspects of the 8th and 6th century BC periods in the area of the Timpone della Motta and the Macchiabate. _Area Timpone della Motta_ Further excavations were carried out in the area of the sacred structure from the 6th century BC discovered in 2008 (Sector MS3). To the north the limits of the structure were identified while excavations to the east and west revealed the continuation of the building. A number of pinakes decorated with processions and architectural terracottas were found in contexts immediately on top of the structure. A test excavation to the south clarified that the building had been constructed on a leveling layer of a thickness between 40 and 50 centimeters. Several accumulations of votive material containing broken and complete objects as well as animal bones were excavated within the layer. The accumulations are possibly related to foundation rites performed during the erection of the building. In sector SM in the southwestern part of the sanctuary the excavation of a terrace wall datable to the middle of the 7th century BC was completed. Extensive deposits datable to the last decades of the 8th century BC were excavated underneath the wall. In sector GPC to the south of temple III the continued excavations revealed parts of a curving stone structure which burnished traces and covered by a thin layer of ash . A large amount of semi-melted bronze fragments was attested in the area suggesting that metalworking took place in the GPC area. Further excavations are pending for the MS3 and GPC areas for the year 2010.
      • This year, the Danish Institute in Rome undertook excavations on the east side of the sanctuary of Timpone della Motta, Francavilla Marittima (CS). The excavations returned to investigate a context that had been partly explored in 2009 and 2010 revealing a 6th century B.C. structure-altar stratigraphically associated with a beaten floor surface, and a votive deposit situated on the north side of the structure. There was also a stratigraphical link with a ritual midden intercepted on the south side of the structure-altar. The votive deposit contained Greek and colonial artefacts, in addition to glass paste, gold, bronze and faïence jewellery, choroplastics and elements of sacred furnishings. The ritual midden contained _hydriskai_ and _kernoi_ of _ hydriskai_ of colonial production; colonial _krateriskoi_, numerous unguentaria: Corinthian _aryballoi_, _alabastra_ and _amphoriskoi_; Corinthian _kotylai_ and _skyphoi_; Corinthian mesomphalic bronze _phialai_ together with Corinthian pottery _phlialai_; examples of terracotta statuettes of standing female figures and various pieces of jewellery. The presence of sheep-goat bones indicates that the structure-altar was used for the Greek sacrificial rite of the _thysia_. These faunal remains are characterised by the high level of fragmentation and combustion even reaching total calcinations, as well as by the selection of anatomical parts – only femurs, kneecaps, and coccyx-caudal vertebra were present. This has been interpreted as the result of the burning of femurs, kneecaps and the tails of the sacrificial victims, wrapped in fat with seasonings, placed on the pyre and completely burnt so that the fragrant smoke reached the deity. The area south-east of the altar produced table wares, and different bones to those from the structure-altar. These faunal remains were certainly part of the sacrificial victim but were the remains of the carcass, except for the femurs, kneecaps, and coccyx-caudal vertebra. They were well-preserved and showed butchery marks but no signs of burning. A preliminary analysis suggests they were the remains of the sacrificial banquet, destined for the participants in the ritual. The absence of burning suggests the meat for the banquet was boiled and had no direct contact with fire.
      • During 2018, the Danish Institute in Rome continued the work begun the previous year on the south-eastern slope of the sanctuary of Timpone della Motta, which in antiquity corresponded with the area from where the numerous faithful and pilgrims entered the cult site. Here, the stratigraphy that emerged in SAS MS3 was investigated and the trench was extended by 3 x 2 m on the south-eastern side. This is a large consecrated space that at present cannot be defined in another way, which without doubt played a primary role in the religious ceremonies. In fact, structures have been identified that were used during animal sacrifices and for libations, which took place between 600 B.C. and the late 6th century B.C., but above all there was evidence illustrating the various moments and norms regulating the ritual practices carried out here during the 6th century B.C. in honour of the divinity/divinities worshipped here. Both the votive deposit and the ritual dump found last year were revealed to be larger than first thought and contained abundant material similar to that already excavated, with the addition of 6th century B.C. table wares, in particular vessels used for boiling food, and iron and bronze implements, including _obeloi_. The faunal remains included boiled bones with butchery marks from various parts of sheep/goat skeletons, excluding the third posterior quarter. These remains are certainly those of the sacrificial victim and could be the remains of the sacrificial banquet for the participants in the ritual.


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