  • Situl arheologic de la Bucureşti - „Dămăroaia pod“
  • Bucureşti
  • Romania
  • București
  • Municipiul Bucureşti
  • Sector 1


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    • In 2005, the archaeological excavation on the south-east coast of Griviţa Lake has made possible the research of five interesting assemblages. Four of them are dated in Latène Period (2nd - 1st centuries B.C.) and one belongs to the early Middle Ages (6th - 7th centuries A.D.). In the first assemblage we found three garbage pits and one sunken building, rectangular, with a possible storage pit and no fire place. From the 6th - 7th centuries there was a workshop, and a rectangular sunken building. In the archaeological level, we found also some ceramics from the Bronze Age (Glina and Tei cultures).


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