  • Tenuta Serpentana
  • via Pian di Sco – via G. Zirardini


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    • No period data has been added yet


    • 600 BC - 400 BC
    • 100 BC - 300 AD


      • The excavation has taken place in various phases, linked to rescue work associated with new constructions. In the western part of the building site, excavations have documented an imperial necropolis composed of 30 inhumations and a walled structure. The cemetery is bounded to the west by a terrace cut into the hill, now supported by a cement wall. The square building is only preserved at foundation level, but is certainly earlier than the rest of the cemetery. It may be a tomb or, at the limit, a cistern, as it is paved in _opus signinum_. To the east of the cemetery earth - moving operations for the construction of a school revealed a wall in tufo blocks. In the central part of the site was found a stretch of road built directly onto the tufo bedrock, while on the west side are found several pits and a structure composed of a sort of corridor leading to an irregular ditch, filled with tufo blocks and pottery that can be dated to the late archaic-early Republican period. The form, as well as the find of various fragments of bone, suggest a funerary structure. Immediately to the north was found a large vase in red brown impasto, containing fragments of bone and ash. The southern part of the site has revealed a circular cistern in _opus reticulatum_, lined with _opus signinum_ and built to the south of the modern via Gaetano Zirardini. The cistern is linked on its north side to a well in _caementicum_, while to the west are found the remains of a vat in brick lined again with _opus signinum_. Under this a conduit covered with tiles "alla cappuccina" runs towards the cistern. The cistern itself dates to the Augustan period, but it cut through structures in ashlar masonry associated with pottery of the Republican period.


      • Francesco di Gennaro, Luigi Finocchietti. 2006. Indagini archeologiche nella Tenuta Torre Serpentana al V miglio della Salaria. FOLD&R Italy: 65.


      • L. Quilici-S. Quilici Gigli, 1986, Fidenae, Latium Vetus 5, Roma: 174, 219 e 427, sito 79.
      • M.G. Nini, 1990-1991, Giornali di Scavo I-II - 1990-1991, archivio Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma, Municipio IV.
      • D. Cirone, 2000, Giornale di Scavo - coop. Arkgeo, 2000, archivio Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma, Municipio IV.
      • F. Ceci, 1995, Moneta e Archeologia. Materiale numismatico proveniente dalla zona compresa tra il Tevere e la Via Nomentana, Scavi 1989-1993, in Bollettino di Numismatica, 25: 125- 126.