  • Песак
  • Пригревица
  • Croatia
  • Vukovar-Srijem
  • Municipality of Vrbanja


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 1000 AD - 1100 AD
  • 2800 BC - 1000 BC


    • As a result of survey along the planned route of the new pipeline in the town of Apatin, five archaeological sites were first registered and then excavated. The surveyed area along the pipeline is 14.5 km long and runs from east to west, from the village of Siljani to the northern edge of Apatin. At the site of Pesak (site 3, х=7582978, y=5062376), in the vicinity of the village of Prigrevica, a part of a multilayered site was excavated along the bank of a former by-channel of the Danube. A control trench, 210 m long and 1 m wide, was opened right on the bank, along the route of the pipeline. In this trench and its extensions, eight features were excavated dating to the prehistoric and mediaeval periods. Four storage bins belong to the Early and Middle Bronze Age. The only one dated to the Early Bronze age was partly damaged by a more recent pit with finds from the Middle Bronze Age. The pottery found in the earlier pit - pots and bowls made of clay mixed with crushed pottery - indicate the period of transition from the Eneolithic to the Early Bronze Age. The features of the Middle Bronze Age gave fids of pots, bowls and beakers made of clay mixed with crushed pottery and several chipped stone tools. Two sunken-floor dwellings and a part of a trench belong to the mediaeval period. The houses are almost identical, with square bases and sunken, domed ovens in the northeast corner. Fragments of pots made on a slow potters’ wheel out of clay mixed with sand and decorated with horizontal and wavy lines incised with a comb or a tool with a single tooth belong to the finds from this period. The decoration goes all the way to the base of the vessel. These pots can be dated roughly to the 11th and the first half of the 12th century.


    • Пашић И. 2006 Заштитна археолошка ископавања на траси разводног гасовода за Апатин, Археолошки преглед 1(2003): 66-70.