- No period data has been added yet
- The toponym “Sant’Ortolu identifies the area comprising the church of the same name and the nearby nuraghe. This name represents the Sardinian version of the hagiotoponym San Bartolomeo. The nuraghe structure presents a single tower built of squared trachy... Read More
- Marco Milanese - Veronica Venco - Stefano Pedersoli – Giovanni Azzalin - Alessandra Urgu . 2024. Indagini archeologiche non invasive nei siti di Monte Sant’Antonio e Sant’Ortolu (Siligo): campagna di ricerca 2023. Incastellamento e processi insediativi di lunga durata nella Sardegna medievale . FOLD&R Italy: 591.
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- 2000 BC
- 1200 BC
- 1600 AD