- No period data has been added yet
- Since 2004 the School of Medieval Archaeology at Siena University has been carrying out an archaeological survey on the territory of Monterotondo Marittimo. The aim is to define the diachronic settlement tendencies and at the same time clarify the role pla... Read More
- During September and October 2009 the University of Siena’s School of Medieval Archaeology carried out a second excavation campaign on the site of Monteleo, extending the 2008 excavation area. By the end of the season two of the four kilns were completely ... Read More
- In June-July and Septembre-October 2010 the excavation of the four kilns situated next to the Buca dei Falchi was completed. The investigation was extended to the area next to the road, where the building of the 18th century alum mine stood. It was thought... Read More
- In 2011 excavations continued on the plateau beside road S.P. 398, which had been investigated in 2010 (Area 3000) exposing walled and productive structures. The 2011 excavation extended the trenches in areas 3000, A, B, and D, and opened a new area (Area ... Read More
- In September-October 2012, investigations continued in the area in front of the group of limekilns situated west of the Risecco torrent (Area 1000). Excavations had been carried out in this area in 2008-2010, at the same time as the investigation of the fu... Read More
- The 2013 excavations continued in three distinct areas defined in 2012, all situated in the area up against the battery of limekilns to the west of the Risecco torrent (Area 1000): Trench 1 (at the north end of area 1000), Trench 2 (in front of furnaces 2 ... Read More
- The 2014 excavations extended those of the previous year (Area 1000): Trench 1 (at the north end of area 1000), Trench 2 (in front of furnaces 2 and 3), and Trench 3 (at the south end of area 1000). The investigation identified a complex chronology, with o... Read More
- This season work took place on the west and east sides of the site.
On the west side (Area 1000, trench III), the investigation of two man-made terraces was completed. Situated at the far south of the plateau they were the result of an intervention to lev
... Read More
- This season work took place on the west and east sides of the site.
- 1200 AD
- 1400 AD
- 1600 AD
- 1700 AD
- 1800 AD