- No period data has been added yet
- The geophysics work around Trajan’s harbour began in 1998, and has since been completed. The magnetometry results revealed: • A plan of the ‘Imperial Palace’ and its associated warehouses • A series of warehouses fronting the port • A part of the massi... Read More
- The first season took place over five weeks during September and early October 2007, and was directed by Simon Keay and Graeme Earl (Southampton), assisted by Dott.ssa Lidia Paroli (Soprintendenza per I Beni Archeologici di Ostia), and involved participant... Read More
- Geophysics:
The three year programme of magnetometer survey on the Isola Sacra began in the north-eastern corner of the island and has detected:
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• Structures to the south of the Fossa Traiana between Sant Ippolito and the Capo due Rami
• that are pos
- Geophysics:
- The third and final season of excavations at Portus were undertaken for two weeks in the first half of July, and between the 26th August and the 23rd October. This involved the continuation of excavation on the western side of the side at the foot of the l... Read More
- During the 2013 Field School of the Portus Project excavations were undertaken in Building 5 – “navalia”, and Buildings 8 and 3, which are part of the “Imperial Palace”.
Building 5 (ca. 240 × 60 m), divided into large aisles 12 or 18 m wide separated into
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- During the 2013 Field School of the Portus Project excavations were undertaken in Building 5 – “navalia”, and Buildings 8 and 3, which are part of the “Imperial Palace”.
- The excavations concentrated on Building 5¸ the ‘_navalia_’ and Buildings 3, 6 and 8 that were part of the ‘Imperial Palace’.
Building 5 (c. 240 × 60 m) divided into large bays 12 or 18 m wide separated in groups by corridors, was built in Trajan’s reign,
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- The excavations concentrated on Building 5¸ the ‘_navalia_’ and Buildings 3, 6 and 8 that were part of the ‘Imperial Palace’.
- 400 BC
- 46 AD
- 1500 AD