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  • Roca
  • Melendugno
  • Italy
  • Apulia
  • Provincia di Lecce
  • Melendugno



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

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  • No period data has been added yet


    • The 2006 campaign was undertaken in September-October and concentrated on the prehistoric levels in Trenches IV, IX and X of the so-called ‘area Castello’. In all three cases the areas were situated in zones of the settlement adjoining the internal front o... Read More
    • This campaign was undertaken between September-November and investigated the prehistoric levels in Trenches II, IV, IX and X of the so-called ‘area Castello’. In all cases the trenches were adjacent to each other and the internal front of the Bronze Age fo... Read More
    • The excavations were undertaken between the 10th September and 15th October. The work involved interventions in three different sectors: SAS IX situated in the ‘Castello-Carrare’ zone, in an underground funerary structure in the zone of the ‘Grotta Poesia ... Read More
    • The campaign took place between the 7th September and 13th November. Excavations were undertaken inside the prehistoric fortifications in SAS IX where several sectors of the settlement situated in the proximity of the inner front, in particular to the nort... Read More
    • The 2010 campaign took place between the 4th October and 14th December. The exploration looked at the north-western sector of the settlement, in particular the area on the northern edge of the proto-historic fortifications, where a new trench was laid out ... Read More
    • The excavations concentrated on the north-western sector of the settlement, in trenches XX and IX, investigating the external front of the middle Bronze Age fortifications, between the monumental gate and postern gate A, and several late and final Bronze A... Read More
    • This season’s excavations were concentrated in the south-western sector of the settlement, in SAS VI, where two distinct campaigns in 1994 and 1994 had uncovered several rooms belonging to late medieval buildings situated at the sides of the road crossing ... Read More
    • This season it was impossible to carry out the planned excavations as work was being undertaken on the site as part of the project to restore, conserve, and enhance the archaeological area of Roca Vecchia with a view to opening the site to the public. The ... Read More
    • The excavations and topographical survey were undertaken as part of the ‘Restauro conservativo, valorizzazione e fruizione dell’area archeologica di Roca Vecchia’ project. The work concentrated on the following areas:

      SAS 1, the monumental gate of the Bro

      ... Read More
  • 2600 BC
  • 1700 BC
  • 1600 AD