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  • Cetamura del Chianti
  • Gaiole in Chianti
  • Civitamura



    • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

      MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

      ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

      AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

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    • No period data has been added yet


      • An exhibition, Cetamura Antica, Traditions of Chianti (Cetamura Antica, Tradizione del Chianti) was held at the Centro di Informazione Turistica, Gaiole in Chianti (SI), from July to November, 2000, including objects discovered since the first discovery o... Read More
      • Excavations focused on four projects: 1. Zone I, the well in the center of the highest zone of the site. The shaft was cleared down to a depth of 22.5m below datum. The type of finds was almost unchanged from previous excavations in the well; a fill of m... Read More
      • Four projects were resumed: 1. Zone I, the well. Excavation in the well finished at 24.1 meters below datum. The type of finds was almost unchanged from the previous excavations; the fill of mud, stones (some worked) and brick and tile, along with som... Read More
      • The following projects continued: 1. Zone I, the well. Excavation arrived at 26.74 meters below datum, to the level of the water table. Excavations were suspended indefinitely due to the need for a water pump and other appropriate equipment. The usual ... Read More
      • The season of 2004 was devoted to study of the finds from the previous three seasons, especially the rich deposit from the “Refuse Pit” located on the scarp in between Zone I and Zone II and to reorganization of the finds deposited in the storage rooms. Ja... Read More
      • Two research areas were investigated:

        1. On the escarpment on the N side of Zone I, excavation of the lowest strata of the easternmost 3×6m unit. Excavation to bedrock was completed. On the north side of the unit, Roman fill was found all the way down

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      • Two projects were continued, both in Zone II: 1. In an area north of the kiln, Structure K, excavation revealed very deep deposits in which carbon, yellow clay and brownish soil were mixed in irregular layers and lenses. During the season no diagnosti... Read More
      • All investigations were confined to Zone II. Work continued in the sanctuary (Building L), near the large rock altar found in 2005. Below the sacrificial deposit discovered in 2006 (now known as Votive Feature 1A), were found two more deposits, Votive Feat... Read More
      • During the summer of 2008 a study season was conducted. The two principal goals of the work period were to organize previously excavated materials for an exhibition, projected for July, 2009, and to carry out limited excavations in the area of Structure L ... Read More
      • An exhibition, The Sanctuary of the Etruscan Artisans at Cetamura del Chianti, The Legacy of Alvaro Tracchi, Il Santuario degli Artigiani Etruschi a Cetamura del Chianti, L’Eredità di Alvaro Tracchi, was held at the Museo Casa di Masaccio in San Giovanni V... Read More
      • The following four projects were pursued: 1. Room 1 of Area G on Zone I, excavated in 1982 and 1984, was reopened to study a pit discovered next to its east wall which had contained the antlers of a deer and animal bone. The foundations of Room 1, of m... Read More
      • Five projects were conducted:

        1. Excavations in the well on Zone I were resumed, arriving at a depth of 28.65 meters below datum. Excavations by Ichnos: Archeologia, Ambiente e Sperimentazione of Montelupo Fiorentino involved extensive pumping at the l

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      • Excavations in 2018 In Zone I were concentrated in six units, both south and north of Well # 1. Three units on the south yielded new information about the building identified the previous year as the medieval castle (castrum) of the 12th century CE. Rel... Read More
    • 1100 BC
    • 500 BC
    • 100 AD