Summary (English)
The complex of Campetti lies on a slight slope in the southwestern area of Veii, less than 1 km. from the monumental center of the municipio Romano, near the gate in the Etruscan wall known as the “Porta di Portonaccio”). At present it occupies an area of around 10,000 square meters. The complex, which has been investigated since 1996, lies on two levels. The lower is occupied by a nymphaeum and a large peristyle with a portico on three sides. This has a double-cella temple at the center and with a series of rooms at the sides. The higher level, only partly investigated, contains a group of three cisterns with a series of rooms at the sides, as well as a few basins, perhaps a small peristyle, and two areas pertaining to a bath complex. The research completed up to now has shown an uninterrupted occupation of the site from the ninth century BC until the sixth century AD, with an absence of data only for the fourth and third centuries BC. The function of the complex is clear. Beginning with the Imperial period (1st – 2nd century AD): a series of finds (two inscriptions, a fistula, and a figured relief), and a few of recent discovery (two inscriptions: one with dedication to Hercules, at the springs, and the other to Diana), as well as the great quantitiy of water available and the basins for the bathing, confirm the hypothesis that the complex had a thermal/therapeutic function. Later, in the fifth-sixth century AD, a part of the complex was residential. A subsequent change in the function of the site dates to the early medieval period (seventh century AD), when it became a site for the robbing and reuse of the building and decorative materials of the complex, suggested by the limestone found in the northwest area of the higher level, the large deposit of tiles and bricks found in the area adjacent to the bath complex, the abundant deposit of marble fragments found on the interior of the structure at the center of the peristyle on the lower level, the structure (limestone?) present on the interior of the nympheum, and the numerous robber trenches apparent in different parts of the complex. (Ugo Fusco)
- Andrea Carandini - Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
- Adriano Averini
- Annarita Petronelli
- Barbara Lepri - Università di Roma
- Cecilia Attanasio
- Chiara Marchetti - Università di Roma
- Fiammetta Soriano - Università di Verona
- Giovanna Liberotti
- Giuliano Catalli
- Luca Allevato
- Matteo Orfini
- Michela Gristina
- Orlando Cerasuolo - Gruppo Archeologico Romano
- Stefano Cerocchi
- Tiziano Latini - Gruppo Archeologico Romano
- Valentina Zeppieri
- Ugo Fusco - Università di Pisa
Research Body
Funding Body
- Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
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