Summary (English)
In the years 1998-1999 the Archaeology Department of Bologna University undertook excavations which led to the discovery of Roman structures datable to between the 1st century B.C. and the 2nd century A.D. Moreover, a vast complex was uncovered that had already been investigated in 1942 by a team from the German Archaeological Institute in Rome and interpreted as Theodoric’s hunting lodge. Further excavations undertaken between 2002 and 2006 ascertained the presence of an extensive and articulated bath complex. The discovery of the baths, which certainly form part of the so-called “Palace of Theodoric” is further confirmation that this late antique residence belonged, if not to a king, then at least to an important dignitary at the court of Ravenna. The architectural characteristics show striking analogies with the bath buildings of the middle to late Roman period.
During the 2005 excavation investigations were concentrated in three sectors: – The baths area was completely uncovered and two large twin rooms which functioned as sitting rooms were identified in the summer area of the baths, which can be interpreted as zones for relaxing, sheltered from the sun and wind. The function of room 10 was also identified. This was a latrine, of which little remains apart from the drainage system. This consisted of a small drain upon which the seats must have rested, parallel to the back wall, which discharged into a larger drain running perpendicular to it. – The corridor providing access to the baths was over 30 m long and followed a strange course as after going 25 m to the east, its two walls turn north at an angle of circa 30° degrees to then join to one side of the courtyard. This change of direction is justified by having to join the bath complex to the central body of the residence, that which was uncovered in 1942. This strange shape would have conditioned the type of roofing used which must have been a vaulted cryptoporticus, or a single pitched roof supported by a portico. – Sector F which joined the baths to the area excavated in 1942 by the German archaeologists, produced walled structures which were probably service spaces (stables?). (MiBAC)
- MiBAC 
- A. Gamberini
- Luisa Mazzeo - Università degli Studi di Bologna
- R. Villicich
- Maria Grazia Maioli - Soprintendenza Beni Archeologici dell'Emilia-Romagna
- studenti, dottorandi e specializzandi in archeologia - Università degli Studi di Bologna
- Sandro De Maria - Università degli Studi di Bologna, Dipartimento di Archeologia
Research Body
Funding Body
- Comune di Galeata
- Università degli Studi di Bologna
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