Summary (English)
These are the preliminary results of an investigation aimed at collecting and interpreting the available data derived from the excavations, in order to add to new information to that already published. A watching brief was undertaken by Archeoservizi during work for the laying of a new electricity cableMT/BT in Via Ugo Fosocolo in San Marzano sul S. (SA). During these excavations three ‘a cappucina’ burials were exposed.
Between the 2th January and the 4th February 2022, excavations were carried under the direction of the Superintendency for Salerno and Avellino. The excavation area is situated to the south-west of the town cemetery. The first remains (T1) were reached at 120 cm below fround level, the extension of a first trench (following the alignment of the burials) revealed two more ‘a cappucina’ burials that were partially disturbed by interventions to modernise public underground services. The three tombs were orientated north/south and presented three differnet construction techniques.
The chronology was contratdicted by the finds and dating of the lapillo found in situ.
- Antonio Mesisca 
- Maria Tommasa Granese 
- Maria Tommasa Granese 
- Antonio Mesisca
- Fabio Forte
Research Body
- Archeoservizi
- Giuseppe Mollo - Soprintendenza ai Beni Architettonici Paesaggistici Storico-artistici, Etnoantropologici di Salerno e Avellino
Funding Body
- Giuseppe Mollo - Soprintendenza ai Beni Architettonici Paesaggistici Storico-artistici, Etnoantropologici di Salerno e Avellino
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