Summary (English)
In 2005, the project “Paleolithic and Mesolithic in the Northern Adriatic 2005” focused on the continuation of the geoarchaeological survey of the edges of the Čepićko polje, and the trial archaeological excavation of the most potential sites. In the period from July 18 to August 13, 2005, archaeological trial trenching was carried out at three sites: Ivšišće, Frankoli, and Kostadini.
Ivšišće is an open-air site, recorded during the field survey conducted in 2004 and 2005. At that site, all collected archaeological finds are knapped stone artefacts. Based on their technological and typological characteristics, they can be divided into two periods; one part probably to the Early Upper Palaeolithic and the other generally to the Neolithic. This season, excavation was carried out in several smaller trial trenches measuring 1 × 1 m and 0.5 × 0.5 m. A total area of 6 m² was excavated in order to determine the concentrations of finds and the level of preservation of the cultural layers. During excavation, preserved cultural layers for either the Early Upper Paleolithic or the Neolithic period, were not recorded.
Frankoli is an open-air site, recorded during the field survey conducted in 2004 and 2005. All archaeological finds collected at that site are knapped stone artefacts, which can be dated to the Mesolithic. During this season, several smaller trial trenches measuring 1 × 1 m, 1 × 0.5 m and 0.5 × 0.5 m were excavated. A total area of 4 m² was investigated in order to determine the concentrations of finds and the level of preservation of the cultural layers. During excavation, preserved cultural layers were not recorded.
Kostadini is an open-air site, recorded during the field survey in 2003, 2004 and 2005. all archaeological finds collected at that site are knapped stone artefacts, a total of 419 artefacts dated to the Early Mesolithic, between 10,000 and 7,500 BC. During this season, several smaller trial trenches measuring 1 × 1 m, 1 × 0.5 m and 0.5 × 0.5 m were excavated. A total area of 6.5 m² was investigated in order to determine the concentrations of finds and the level of preservation of the cultural layers. It was established that the cultural layers were not preserved and that they were destroyed by intensive farming. Despite this, it seems that the concentrations of finds are more or less preserved in their original positions (Darko Komšo, Andrea Balbo, Preston T. Miracle 2007, Hrvatski arheološki godišnjak 3/2006, 225–228).
- Darko Komšo 
- Andrea Balbo 
- Darko Komšo
- Andrea Balbo
- Preston Miracle
Research Body
- Arheološki muzej Istre
- University of Cambridge, Department of Archaeology
Funding Body
- McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge
- Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske